Invisible Woman
Invisible Woman, PL 12
Str 10 (+0), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 14 (+2), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 14 (+2)
Skills: Bluff 4 (+6), Concentration 5 (+8), Diplomacy 6 (+8), Intimidate 6 (+8), Knowledge (tactics) 3 (+5), Knowledge (technology) 3 (+5), Notice 3 (+6), Perform (acting) 2 (+4), Pilot 3 (+5), Profession (housewife) 5 (+8), Search 4 (+6), Sense Motive 3 (+6), Stealth 5 (+7)
Feats: Attack Specialization (blasts) 3, Attractive, Benefit (FF member), Benefit (wealth) 2, Distract (bluff), Improved Initiative 2, Leadership, Power Attack, Renown 3, Second Chance (Concentration checks), Seize Initiative, Teamwork 2, Ultimate Effort (Power Checks)
- Blast 15 (Power Feats: Subtle 2, Alternate Power: Blast 10 [Extra: Area (Cone), Power Feats: Subtle 2])
- Flight 3 (50 MPH, Extra: Affect Others, Power Feat: Progression 2 [5 people])
- Force Field 15 (Extra: Impervious, Power Feats: Selective, Subtle 2, Alternate Power: Create Object 15 [Extra: Movable, Flaw: Feedback, Power Feats: Progression, Subtle 2])
- Invisibility (Normal Vision, Power Feat: Precise)
- Invisibility (Normal Vision, Extras: Attack, Area [Burst], Selective Attack, No Saving Throw, Range [Perception], Power Feats: Precise, Progression 3 [100 ft radius])
Combat: Attack +3 (+9 force blasts), Grapple +5, Damage +15 (blast), Defense +7 (+3 flat-footed), Knockback -16 (-1 with no Force Field), Initiative +10
Saves: Toughness +17 (+2 with no Force Field), Fortitude +4, Reflex +5, Will +6
Abilities 22 + Skills 13 (52 ranks) + Feats 20 + Powers 104 + Combat 20 + Saves 8 = Total 187
Abilities: Sue is very powerful. She is a somewhat unusual Energy Controller that can manipulate invisible force fields for a veriety of effects. There are some Power Stunts that she uses often enough to be noted, but not often enough to be purchased as regular Alternate Powers, they include:
- Suffocate 10 (Extra: Ranged, Power Feats: Subtle 2)
- Nullify 10 (Physics-Type Invisibility, Extra: Duration [Concentration])
- Create Objects 5 (Same modifiers as usual Create Object but with Linked Immunity 9 [Life Support, Extra: Affects Others, Power Feats: Progression 2 (5 people)]