Human Torch

Real Name: Jonathan Storm
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #1 (Nov, 1961)
Creators: Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
Capsule: Johnny is the younger brother of Susan Richards. When Susan decided to follow her fiance, the brilliant scientist Reed Richards, into an unauthorized space flight, Johnny tagged along. The spaceship crew was bathed by cosmic radiation and mutated, gaining superhuman powers. Johnny acquired the power to generate and manipulate fire in several ways.
So was born the world-famous Fantastic Four. Johnny is the youngest and more impulsive member of the team, with a passion for cars and girls. His powers suit his personality perfectly. Johnny also is the only FF member that has always enjoyed his powers and superhero status. He has a friendly rivalry with the Thing.
Johnny's main source of angst are his relationships with women. They have a way of ending in spectacularly bad ways, such as his involvement with the inhuman princess Crystal, Frankie Raye, and the Skrull warrior-woman Lyja.
The Human Torch, PL 12
Str 12 (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 11 (+0), Cha 15 (+2)
Skills: Bluff 4 (+6/+10), Concentration 5 (+6), Craft (mechanical) 8 (+9), Drive 6 (+9), Intimidate 6 (+8), Knowledge (popular culture) 4 (+5), Notice 4 (+5), Pilot 2 (+5), Profession (race car driver) 8 (+8), Sense Motive 3 (+4)
Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Specialization (fire blasts) 2, Attractive, Benefit (FF member), Benefit (wealth) 2, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 2, Favored Environment (air) 2, Improved Initiative, Move-By Action, Power Attack, Renown 3, Taunt, Teamwork
- Energy Form 9 (Flight 5 [250 MPH], Force Field 6, Immunity 10 [Bullets and Meltable Melee Weapons, Flaw: Sustained Duration], Strike 9 [Extra: Aura, Power Feat: Precise])
- Fire Control 15 (Power Feat: Precise [Applies to Whole Array], Alternate Powers: Blast 15, Blast 10 [Extra: Autofire], Blast 10 [Extra: Area (Line)], Blast 6 [Extras: Area (Shapeable), Duration (Sustained)], Environmental Control 7 [Extreme Heat and Bright Light (500 ft radius)], Nullify Fire Powers 15)
- Immunity 10 (Fire Effects)
- Note: Johnny's "Nova Flame" should be simulated through the use of Extraordinary Effort and Last-Ditch Effort, as seen in the Masterminds Manual. Initially, the player pays 1 Hero Point to use a Power Stunt that replicates Blast 15 (Extra: Area [Explosion], Flaw: Range [Touch]). Johnny will then use up to three fatigue results and up to three wound results to add up to +10 ranks, generating a Blast 25 Explosion.
Combat: Attack +5 (+9 fire blasts), Grapple +6, Damage +15 (blast), Defense +8 (+10 flying, +3 flat-footed), Knockback -6, Initiative +7
Saves: Toughness +10 (+4 with no Force Field), Fortitude +5, Reflex +8, Will +5
Drawbacks: Power Loss (Energy Form and Fire Control, Loses when covered by fire-negating substances, common, -4)
Abilities 20 + Skills 13 (50 ranks) + Feats 22 + Powers 92 + Combat 22 + Saves 13 - Drawbacks 4 = Total 178
Complications: Fame, Responsibility (romantic)
Abilities: Johnny is a text book example of the Energy Controller archetype. He can create and manipulate flame in several ways. He can also surround his body with a flaming sheath. Johnny is something of a "glass cannon" though. He is pretty good at offense, but defensivelly he is only equivalent to a PL 10 character. He'll usually attack from a distance, sometimes using his Move-By Action and Defensive Attack feats to disorient opponents that could hurt him badly.