AGOGAT:Cyrus Background

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Revision as of 18:22, 17 April 2013 by (talk)
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Origin Path

Home World

This here includes: Name of your homeworld, and the type of homeworld, and what your homeworld was like.


This here includes: What was the environment in which your character was raised and spent their early lifes in like?

Lure of the Void

This here includes: What event or events caused your character to step off the beaten track and take to a life of adventure?

Trials and Travails

This here includes: What was the most defining event that shaped your character into the person they are today?


This here includes: What is the reason your character gets up each morning, their core goal and primary drive?

Lineage (Optional)

This here includes: What were the means by which your character came into their current career?

Physical Description

In no particular order, age, gender, hair, eyes, outstanding physical marks (anything from scars to particularly aquiline noses).

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