The End of the Hantei Bayushi Mihime
Personal Data
Bayushi Mihime (Mitsuki)
Age: 16
Daughter Number: 1
Homeland: Ryoko Owari
Culture: Rokugani (Scorpion)
Religion: Scorpion (Deceitful, Energetic, Suspicious, Vengeful): +2 Movement Rate, +1 Damage
Father: Bayushi
Father's Class: Vassal Samurai
Lord: Bayushi Shonaru
Current Class: Vassal Samurai
Current Home: Kyuden Bayushi
Glory: 1268
Size 8 Dex 14 Str 10 Con 15 App 18 +1 Bonus pick, total 19
Damage 3d6 Heal3 Hit Points 23 Knockdown 8 Major Wound 15 Move 2, +2 Scorpion, total 4 Unconscious 6
- Chaste 13/07 Lustful
- Energetic 13/07 Lazy
- Forgiving 07/13 Vengeful
- Generous 10/10 Selfish
- Honest 07/13 Deceitful
- Just 10/10 Arbitrary
- Merciful 10/10 Cruel
- Modest 16/04 Proud
- Pious 10/10 Worldly
- Prudent 10/10 Reckless
- Temperate 10/10 Indulgent
- Trusting 07/13 Suspicious
- Valorous 10/10 Cowardly
Directed Trait: Untrustworthy +3
- Loyalty (Clan) 19
- Loyalty (Emperor) 15
- Love (Family) 15
- Honor 12
- Hospitality 12
- Loyalty (Vassals) 10
- Concern (My Heimin) 7
Non-Combat Skills
Family Characteristic: +5 Dangerous Beauty
Acting (5) 10
Artisan (5)
Awareness (7) 15
Chirurgery (9) 10
Calligraphy (5)
Compose (2)
Courtesy (6)
Dancing (4)
Falconry (3)
Fashion (5)
First Aid (8)
Flirting Use Dangerous Beauty
Folklore (2)
Gaming (3)
Heraldry (4) 10
History (3)
Hunting (0)
Intrigue Use Dangerous Beauty
Lore (2) 15
Meditation (3)
Orate (5)
Play (3)
Recognize (5) 15
Religion (2)
Romance (5)
Sailing (0)
Shadowlands Lore (0)
Singing (3)
Spellcraft (0)
Stewardship (5) 15
Swimming (1)
Tea Ceremony (5)
Combat Skills
Battle (1)
Siege (2)
Horsemanship (3)
Small Weapons (3)
Special Skill
Dangerous Beauty (5) 20
Weakness is my Strength: When using Intrigue to gossip you get +2, when making an opposed social roll you get +1 to your skill for every applicable Directed Trait or Passion the target has that could be a liability.
Extravagant Clothing, Wakizashi, any 1 weapon, Calligraphy Set, Traveling Pack, Riding Pony, Sumpter, 5 koku