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Revision as of 07:22, 27 April 2013 by Carwyn (talk | contribs) (Description)
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Greatly favored by smugglers, the swift sloop is an ideal vessel for pirates. A rapier-like bowsprit almost as long as her hull enables her to mount a parade of canvas that makes her even more nimble than schooners and snows. Though not as shallow in draft as the schooner, this hundred ton ship draws only eight feet of water carrying close to a hundred men, enabling the sloop to maneuver in channels and sounds where pirates make their lairs.


  • Crew - 10-75 men (average - 40)
  • Passangers - 10
  • Speed (Knots) - 18
  • Max Guns 2010 broadside)
  • Max gun size - 9lbs
  • Hull Points - 22
  • Cargo - 50ton
  • Length - 6 ft
  • Draft 10 ft
  • Manuever - 8