Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #45 (Dec, 1965)
Creators: Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
Capsule: Triton is a member of the royal family of the Inhumans, a genetic offshoot of mankind that lives in the hidden city of Attilan. Each Inhuman possesses a superpower derived from exposure to a mutagenic known as the Terrigen Mist. Triton is an piscian humanoid, able to function extremelly well in underwater environments.
Triton's deep love of the oceans made him a sort of scout for the rest of the Inhuman Royal Family and he was the first one of the current generation of Inhumans to make contact with normal humans. Triton is also a close friend of Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner.
Triton, PL 10
Str 26 (+8), Dex 14 (+2), Con 26 (+8), Int 14 (+2), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 12 (+1)
Skills: Climb 0 (+8), Diplomacy 5 (+6), Investigate 4 (+6), Knowledge (earth sciences) 4 (+6), Knowledge (technology) 3 (+5), Notice 4 (+7), Pilot 3 (+5), Search 4 (+6), Sense Motive 2 (+5), Stealth 5 (+7), Survival 5 (+8), Swim 12 (+20)
Feats: Benefit (Inhuman Royal), Environmental Adaptation (underwater), Favored Environment (underwater) 4, Low-Profile, Teamwork
- Immunity 3 (Drowning, Intense Cold, Pressure)
- Super-Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision)
- Super-Strength 2 (Heavy Load: 1.5 tons)
- Swimming 5 (50 MPH)
Combat: Attack +8, Grapple +18, Damage +8 (unarmed), Defense +8 (+4 flat-footed), Knockback -4, Initiative +2
Saves: Toughness +8, Fortitude +8, Reflex +5, Will +6
Drawbacks: Weakness (Lack of water when special survival suit is damaged, Major, per Round, -8), Weakness (Pollution, Major, Weekly, -2)
Abilities 48 + Skills 13 (51 ranks) + Feats 8 + Powers 13 + Combat 32 + Saves 6 - Drawbacks 10 = Total 110
Complications: Responsibility (Family)
Abilities: Triton is a barebones example of the Amphibian archetype. But unlike heroes like Namor and Aquaman, Triton looks obviously non-human and is not particularly effective in dry land. He should be considered only a PL 8 character when outside of a underwater environment.