Rufus "Roofie" Stokes
One of the three officers decorated with the Legion d'honneur in addition to a Croix de guerre with Palm while fighting with the 371st Infantry in France . Duke Ellington's favourite clarinetist with a clutch of tunes written specially for/with him by Ellington himself. Has played private society and embassy gigs, now living it large in Soho as a feted performer after the Duke blew threw a few years back and a torrid relationship with an English debutante held him in place long enough to get rooms. Now hangs with Nat's bohemian Soho crowd.
Str 9
Con 8
Dex 16
Size 15
Int 17
App 15
Edu 15
Pow 11
Idea: 85 Luck: 55 Dam: +0 MP: 11 HP: 13 SAN: 55
Age: 37 Income: $7500
Clarinet:90 Bargain:50 Craft:5 Fast Talk:75 Listen:55 Persuade:65 Psychology:25
Conceal: 35
Dodge: 52
Handgun: 40
Rifle: 35
Sneak: 30
Spot Hidden: 45
Track: 30