Wakeem Al'Tzulcha
Wakeem Al'Tzulcha
Class: Magic User
- Strength: 11
- Intelligence: 13 (+5% experience)
- Wisdom: 13
- Constitution: 9
- Dexterity: 12
- Charisma: 11
HP: 3/3
Level: ? XP Total: XP Needed:
Encumbrance Total:
- Gear Carried
- Backpack
- Spellbook (1 stone)
- Rations (1/3 stone)
- Lantern (1 stone)
- 2 flasks oil (2/3)
- chalk
- tinderbox
- Weapons
- Sling (2gp) (20 bullets) 1/3 stone
- Armor - NA
- Treasure & Coinage:
- Carried by Horse
- Saddle bag (1sp) 1/3 stone
- Bedroll (1 stone)
- Rations, preserved (8 days) (35sp) 1 stone
- Winter blanket (5sp) 1 stone
- Hemp rope (50ft) (1gp) 1/3 stone
Background & Description:
Wakeem was raised in a silent family who wrote instead of spoke, and was brought up in the ancient ways. Old books and forgotten lore, preparations for times that would return. On the night of the great Festival, he saw something in the darkness of the underground cavern and in his family's eyes, and ran. He runs still, trying to forget; he adventures for gold and knowledge to protect himself from the family who wants him back.
Fighting Style: