Orc Temple Loot
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands
Coins: 9000 cp (sacrificed to Artlebean) 2000 sp (pit trap) 17000 gp (pit trap) 4000 pp (pit trap)
Other: Bracelet (500) (Knuckles) Ring (1000) (Dayrell) Necklace (1700) (Muerte) Ring (700) (Edward) Necklace (1100) (Muerte) Ring (900) (Red) Gem (100) (Edward) Gem (10) (Red) Gem (100) (Red) Gem (100) (Dayrell) Gem (100) (Dayrell) Gem (500) (Dayrell) Gem (500) (Dayrell) Bone Sword (Red) Treasure Map (Ogoul)
Bag of Holding: 10 Gems (50, 50, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 500, 500, 500) 10 Gems (10, 10, 50, 50, 100, 100, 500, 500, 1000, 1000) 10 Gems (10, 10, 10, 10, 50, 50, 500, 500, 500, 1000) 7 Gems (10, 50, 50, 50, 100, 100, 500) Ring of Protection +1 Scroll: Protection from Magic Potion: Control Undead Plate Mail +1 Shield +1 Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Dayrell) Sword +1 Spear +3 Ring (1500) Ring (1100) 1460 sp (bag of holding) 810 ep (bag of holding) 906 gp (bag of holding) 288 pp (bag of holding)
Clerics Room: Tapestries (1000, 4000, 4000, 5000) -wt 2000 Furniture (1000, 4000, 4000, 6000) -wt 8000 Serving Sets (3000, 4000, 4000, 6000) -wt 400 (extremely fragile)