In the Halls of Undermountain: Iblis

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Iblis is a player character in In The Halls of Undermountain, played by sptrashcan

Character Summary

Name: Iblis
Quote: "It is better to be good than evil, but if one cannot be good to all, it is better to be evil to the wicked."
Age: 20ish
Sex: Male
Race: Tiefling
Class: Paladin
Character Tags: Foundling, knight errant, true believer

Description: Iblis is a healthy and well-proportioned young tiefling man, average in height and lean in build, with light gray hair and a neatly-cropped beard. When not in knight's armor, he dresses in the simple robes of a young priest of Ilmater. His regular features and friendly but reserved disposition tend to leave a favorable impression, though that can quickly change for anyone unfortunate enough to witness one of his towering rages.

Personality: A dedicated follower of Ilmater since his years as a foundling, Iblis has a deep and abiding respect for those who follow the tortured god's path of peace and kindness to all. He has accepted the overpowering anger he sometimes feels toward the injustices of the world as his grim legacy to bear, and tries to direct it appropriately and with restraint. He greatly enjoys the simple work of priestly service: ministering to the elderly and ill, feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless, and he wishes that were enough for him. But deep in his heart, he must admit to himself if not to others that he desperately needs a dash of savagery in his life.

Bio: Iblis was left in the care of the priests of Ilmater by parties unknown, and raised among the healers and scholars of that church. Although he admired the healer priests, they knew he could not follow their path, for he would fly into terrible rages when he saw anyone being mistreated. They therefore recommended him to the Companions of the Noble Heart, a knightly order who served Ilmater by striking down the cruel and torturous. He proved an able candidate, readily withstanding the difficult training and channeling his inchoate wrath into a cold furious passion that lent terrifying strength to his swordplay. Upon receiving his commission as a knight of the order, he begged and received leave to set out on a personal quest.

Grudge: Iblis traveled the length of the Sword Coast with his itinerant priest guardians, and heard many stories of the terrible harms visited by Halaster the mad wizard on the long-suffering people. He seeks to defeat the legendary malefactor, for the sake of the sufferers -- and, privately, because it is an enormous undertaking that will keep him supplied with the violent encounters he craves.

Character Sheet

Iblis, level 2
Medium Defender (Divine)
Alignment: Lawful Good

Race: Tiefling

  • +2 Cha, +2 Con
  • Speed: 5
  • Low-light vision
  • Languages: Common, Goblin, Elven
  • Skill Bonuses: +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth
  • Bloodhunt: You gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied foes.
  • Fire Resistance: You have resist fire 5 + level/2.
  • Paladin's Wrath, Encounter Minor (Divine), close burst 5, target: Each enemy in the burst, effect: The target is subject to your divine sanction until the end of your next turn.

Class: Paladin

  • Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle, Encounter Minor (Divine), close burst 10, target: one creature in burst, effect: the target makes a saving throw with a bonus equal to charisma modifier (4).
  • Channel Divinity: Divine Strength, Encounter Minor (Divine), personal, effect: apply strength modifier (0) as extra damage on your next attack this turn.
  • Divine Challenge, At-Will Minor (Divine, Radiant), close burst 5, target: one creature in burst, effect: mark target, target takes -2 to attack and 7 radiant damage if it makes an attack that does not include me, must engage (attack or be adjacent to) target.
  • Lay on Hands, At-Will Minor (2/day) (Divine, Healing), melee touch, target: one creature, effect: spend a healing surge, target regains its surge value HP + 4.

Background: Waterdeep

  • +2 Diplomacy
  • Bonus language (Elven)

Theme: Knight Hospitaler

  • Level 1 feature: Shield of Devotion, Encounter Immediate Reaction (Divine, Healing), close burst 5, trigger: an ally within 5 squares of you takes damage from an enemy attack, target: the triggering ally, effect: the target regains 5 hitpoints; until the end of next turn, gain a +2 power bonus to next attack roll against the enemy that damaged the target.

Ability Scores:
Str 10 (+0), Dex 11 (+0), Con 15 (+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 18 (+4)

Maximum Hit Points: 30, bloodied value 15, surge value 7. Surges/day: 13
AC 21, Fort 13, Ref 14, Will 17, Init +0

Trained Skills:
Diplomacy +12, Endurance +9, Heal +8, Religion +7

Untrained Skills:
Acrobatics -1, Arcana +2, Athletics -1, Bluff +7, Dungeoneering +3, History +2, Insight +3, Intimidate +5, Nature +3, Perception +3, Stealth +1, Streetwise +5, Thievery -1.

Basic calculations: Cha attack, Weapon: +4 (Cha) + 1 (Expertise) + 3 (Longsword proficiency) + 1 (1/2 Level) = +9 attack. Damage bonus, Cha: +4 (Cha)
Melee Basic Attack: +9 vs. AC. Hit: 1d8+4 damage.


  • Bolstering Strike (Divine, Weapon)
    • Standard, melee weapon, one creature, +9 vs AC, Hit: 1d8+4 damage and gain temporary HP equal to wisdom modifier (2).
  • Virtuous Strike (Divine, Radiant, Weapon)
    • Standard, melee weapon, one creature, +9 vs AC, Hit: 1d8+4 radiant damage and gain a +2 power bonus to saving throws, may be used as melee basic attack.


  • Fearsome Smite (Divine, Fear, Weapon)
    • Standard, melee weapon, one creature, +9 vs AC, Hit: 2d8+4 damage, until the end of next turn target takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to wisdom modifier (2).


  • On Pain of Death (Divine, Implement)
    • Standard, ranged 5, one creature, +5 vs Will, Hit: 3d8+4 damage, once per round target takes 1d8 damage after making any attacks on its turn (save ends), Miss: half damage, once per round target takes 1d4 damage after making any attacks on its turn (save ends).


  • Astral Speech (Divine)
    • Minor, Personal, Effect: gain a +4 power bonus to Diplomacy checks until the end of the encounter.


  • Level 1: Devoted Paladin: Add charisma modifier to healing from Lay on Hands, add 1 to maximum healing surges
  • (Bonus) Devout Protector Expertise: +1 to attacks with one-handed weapons and holy symbols, and all allies gain a +1 shield bonus to AC.
  • (Bonus) Superior Will: +2 to Will defense, may make saving throw against dazed or stunned condition at beginning of turn.
  • Level 2: Wrath of the Crimson Legion: When you make a melee basic attack, you can use your Charisma instead of Strength for the attack roll and the damage roll. In addition, you replace infernal wrath with paladin’s wrath.

Equipment: Longsword (Heavy Blade, +3 prof, 1d8 damage, Versatile), Adventurer's Kit, Dwarven Plate Armor +1, Heavy Shield, priest's robes, hymnal

Cash: 96 gp

Character Songs

General: Amazing Grace Combat: Battle Hymn of the Republic