'Yoyu' (Yoyukhalaaoyokaorye'ai)
Campaign http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Trouble_In_The_Marches
Aslan Male
Homeworld: Roget B566777-9 Da Ag Ga Ri
Prior Service: Military (Warrior) 2 Terms, Outcast (Trader) 2 Terms
UPP: 979882
- St 9(+1)
- Dx 7
- En 9(+1)
- In 8
- Ed 8
- SS 2(-2)
- Animals 0
- Athletics (Endurance) 1
- Carouse 1
- Drive 0
- Flyer (Grav) 1
- Gun Combat (Slug Rifle) 1
- Gun Combat (Slug Pistol) 1
- Gunner (Turrets) 1
- Independence 2
- Language 0
- Melee (Claws) 2
- Recon 1
- Streetwise 1
- Survival 0
- Vacc Suit 1
Equipment & credits
- Snub pistol (auto version with 15 round mag plus 2 extra mags HEAP)
- Aua-leather clothing (protection 1)
- Ballistic vest
- Bio-adjustment pills
- Combination mask
- Purification Tabs (TL9)
- First aid kit (TL5)
- Comm (TL8)
- Commdot
- Translator
- 2 x Stunbag grenades
- 1 x Tranq gas grenade
2 Contacts
A second son of a minor clan, Yoyu planned to serve in the Darrian Confederation military until retirement age. However, after being goaded into taking part in an illegal street duel by a hated rival, he was dishonourably discharged after only two terms. Declared an outcast, shunned and despised by his own kind, he chose to head out in search of a new life amongst the stars.
He's been bumming around the Marches for the last few years, mostly taking working passage gigs as hired muscle aboard merchant and freetrader vessels. He's looking for some way to prove himself and restore his honour.