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If, during the roll to cast a spell, all dice come up 1, the spell automatically fails. This type of failure is called a Horrible Spell Failure (H.S.F.™), and in addition whatever might happen as a direct result of the spell not resolving, a H.S.F. Effect™ occurs as well!

The H.S.F. Effect™ which occurs must be chosen by rolling 1d20,000 - equivalent to rolling a D20, multiplying the result by 100, adding a D100, and subtracting 1. Alternatively, you could use an actual D20,000, but they never stop rolling. It's irritationg. Then, consult the line in the table below corresponding to the number rolled! If the fact that this page is still in development means there is no such line, reroll until you get a line with an H.S.F. Effect™ listed on it.

00001 - The spellcaster is attacked by an Ogre.
00002 - The spellcaster forgets the spell and cannot use it again unless it is relearned. If you are using the optional spell memorization rules, the character also ceases to have any instances of the spell memorized.
00003 - The spellcaster is tormented by auditory hallucinations of a voice singing the "Three is the magic number" song from Schoolhouse Rock. Alternatively (18% chance), nothing happens in-game, but the player must sing the aforementioned song.
00004 - The spellcaster's hair begins growing very, very quickly. It is now necessary to roll a D7; on any roll other than 5 the character is distracted and cannot act for a number of rounds equal to the D7 roll unless shaven.
00005 - Instead of actually casting the spell, the character must begin to expound on what an incredibly amazing effect it would have been.
00006 - Instead of actually casting the spell, the character must begin to expound in iambic pentameter (I.P.™) on what an incredibly amazing effect it would have been.
00007 - The character succeeds in casting Merlin's Spell of Enchant Sea Anenome (M.S.E.S.A.™). If this is rolled while trying to cast M.S.E.S.A.™, the character instead casts Spherical Fire of Flamel (S.F.F.™).
00008 - A fruit begins to grow from the character's belly button, which ripens in ten days. If eaten, the fruit gives the eater +1D6 HT.
00009 - A fruit begins to grow from the character's belly button, which ripens in ten days. If eaten, the fruit gives the eater +1D12 HT.
00010 - A fruit begins to grow from the character's belly button, which ripens in ten days. If eaten, the fruit halves the eater's HT but gives the eater +1D24 IN.
00011 - The character suddenly feels an urge to set a party member on fire.
00012 - The character wishes there weren't 2,000 possible H.S.F. Effects™, but is comforted by the fact that it adds to the game's realism.
00013 - The character begins to look startlingly like Susan B. Anthony for a short period of time. It is now necessary to roll a D7; on any roll other than 5 the character is distracted and cannot act for a number of rounds equal to the D7 roll unless shaven.
00014 - Fish fall from the sky.
00015 - The caster becomes a random class from the F.T.E.C.™ table for 1d100 hours.