Sol Riven:Psi

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Psi Related Traits

Psi Active [20] This is the pre-requisite advantage that all characters with any Psi Skills must take first. It allows access to the Psi Advantages, Telepathy, Psycokinesis, Anti Psi, Psycometabolic, and Precognitive. This ability provides the character with the ability to defend against Psi attacks and the ability to detect when any Psi abilities are being used against them.

Telepathy [20] this advantage is the pre-requisite for all of the telepathy skills.

Psycokinesis [20] This advantage is the pre-requisite for all of the psychokinetic skills.

Anti-Psi [20] This advantage makes an individual immune to any form of psychic manipulation, detrimental or benifical.

Psycometabolic [20] this advantage is the pre-requisite for all of the Psycometabolic skills.

Precognitive [20] This advantage is the pre-requisite for all of the precognitive skills.

Nanokinesis [20-Psycokinesis] This adavantage is the pre-requisite for all the nanokinesis skills.

Psi Skills

Psycokinetic Skills

Psycokinetics involve the manipulation of force. The Psi Talent is able to move, crush, stop, or even incinerate objects with his mind.

PK Punch [IQ/H] The ability to create a limited moving force object that creates a virtual fist when it strikes an object. The amount of damage done is equal to the swing damage for a punch with strength equal to the skill level. Objects can be pushed or toppled using this skill.

PK Slice [IQ/H] The ability to create a limited moving force object that creates a virtual blade when it strikes an object. The amount of damage done is equal to the swing damage for a punch with strength equal to the skill level. Objects can be sliced or cut using this skill.

PK Thrust [IQ/H] The ability to create a limited moving force object that creates a virtual lance when it strikes an object. The amount of damage done is equal to the thrust damage for a punch with strength equal to the skill level. DR is reduced to ½ against this skill.

Telekinesis [IQ/H] The ability to make things move with only the force of the characters will. The character is capable of lifting 5lbs per level.

Parry/Block [IQ/H] The character is capable of using their telekinesis to perform a block or block maneuver without a weapon or shield.

Momentum Theft [IQ/H] The character is able to reduce the force behind incoming projectiles. The damage of incoming projectiles is reduced by an amount equal to the thrust damage for strength equal to the level of the skill.

Boost Momentum [IQ/H] The character is able to increase the force of the projectiles launched by any single person. The shots gain enough force to increase damage by the same amount as the thrust damage of a strength equal to the skill level.

PK Jump [IQ/H] The character is able to increase his leap distance by a number of feet equal to his skill rating.

Walk on Water [IQ/H] Through a combination of levitation and solidifing the surface of the liquid, the character is able to walk on it as if it were solid ground.

Vibration Sense [IQ/H] If the character concentrates they are capable of feeling miniscule vibrations. Treat sense tests for vibrations at +10.

Evaporate Matter [IQ/H] The character is capable of exciting the molecules of an object to the point where it will melt if not evaporate all together. The character is capable of increasing the temperature of an object to the cube of his skill level. However to increase the temperature to each level requires a number of seconds equal to that level.

Time Temp Time Temp Time Temp
1 1 27 343 84 2197
3 8 34 512 97 2744
6 27 42 729 111 3375
10 64 51 1000 126 4096
15 125 61 1331 132 4913
21 216 72 1728 149 5832

Telepathy Skills

Telepathy is the ability of an individual to interact with the minds of other sentients.

Simple Broadcast [IQ/H] The character is capable of making a broadcast to all the people in the local area, this has a range of up to 100' and whoever is within that area will recieve the message at full strength. This power is blocked by any type of Psi Suppression device.

Mind Speech [IQ/H] The character is capable of having a full two way conversation with any single individual within 100k+10k per overage on a test(10).

Conference [IQ/H] The character is capable of having a full two way conversation with a group of individuals up to a number equal to his Conference score. The range is equal to the characters Mind Speech range. The character will not regain fatigue while this power is in use. A characters Conference score may not exceed there Mind Speech score.

Simple Suggestion [IQ/H] The character is capable of implanting a thought in a characters head, the subject will consider the suggestion with the same weight as if they had thought of it themselves. The subject can make an Intellegence check at -8 to detect the suggestion if he has reason to be suspicious.

Telepathic Attack [IQ/H]

Telepathic Defence [IQ/H]

Tap Senses [IQ/H] The character is able to tap into the sensory information that is being gathered by someone else. The character must make a roll modified by the targets -(IQ - 10), the character can choose a number of senses equal to his overage / 5 with a minimum of 1.

Paralyze [IQ/H]

Mental Probe [IQ/H]

Sleep [IQ/H]

Dominate [IQ/H]
