The Great Commorragh Campaign/Vespertil
Vespertil is an up-and-coming Beastmaster who is more concerned with the hunt than with performing in the arena.
Statistics | ||||
Siz: 11 | Dex: 16 | Str: 12 | Con: 14 | App: 10 |
Derived Statistics | |
Damage: 4d6 | Major Wound: 14 |
Stun: 11 | Hit Points: 25 |
Move: 14 | Parry: 8 |
Age: +1
Glory: 1461
Obols: 20
Skills | ||
Arena 13 | Awareness 12 | Commerce 3 |
Courtesy 5 | Common Lore 3 | Demolotion 2 |
Fashion 8 | First Aid 8 | Flirting 10 |
Forbidden Lore 12 | Gaming 3 | Heraldry 3 |
Infiltration 13 | Intrigue 5 | Kin Lore 2 |
Medicae 0 | Navigate 10 | Orate 3 |
Perform 13 | Recognize 3 | Scholastic Lore 2 |
Tech-Use 2 | Trade 0 |
Special Skill
Beastmastery 15 (replaces Hunting and Wrangling)
Combat Skills | |
Battle 5 | Seige 0 |
Captain 0 | Skyboard 10 |
Skimmer 3 | Jetbike 3 |
Flyer 0 | Voidship 0 |
Blade 10 | Heavy 2 |
Flexible 10 | Spear 8 |
Brawl 15 | Pistol 10 |
Assault 3 | Rifle 2 |
Support 1 | Gunnery 3 |
Chaste 7/Lustful 13
Energetic* 13/Lazy 7
Forgiving 10/Vengeful* 10
Generous 10/Selfish 10
Honest* 10/Deceitful 10
Just 7/Arbitrary 13
Merciful 10/Cruel* 10
Honest 7/Proud* 13
Pious 10/Worldly 10
Prudent 7/Reckless 13
Temperate 16/Indulgent 4
Trusting 10/Suspicious 10
Valorous* 15/Cowardly 5
Directed Trait: Fickle as a Shadow: 6
Bonus MOV+1, HEAL+1
Pity the Weak (*): +3 Armor of Contempt
Vile Pleasure: Bountiful Slaughter: +1 token for kill or MW
Honor 10
Fear (Succubus) 13
Loyalty (Cult) 15
Hospitality 12
Love (Arena) 15
Contempt (lessers) 12
Hate (Slaanesh) 16
Old Knights: 1 - Kalvelthin
Middle Aged Knights: 1 - Malkin
Young Knights: 1 - Cupiditael
Beasts: 16
Estate: 1 Apiary