Venki Fairhand

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"Musician, herald, bard, thrice may'st thou be renowned,

And with three several wreaths immortally be crowned."''

IN the many shadows are vast numbers of creative and dangerous folk who are called Bards.

The term Bard comes in many flavors in many different shadows and its a title that has too many variations even in a single world to be easy to embrace.

Yet there are a few who rise to great power, gaining reputations as musician of great power, Become Spokesman for great lands and realms, and who gain royal thrones themselves. These few are called Thrice Crowned Bards.

Like many great musicians, the fall from great height can be fatal. But some escape the last moment of the fall and find themselves barefooted travelers again.

Venki Fairhand is such a man.

Venki comes from a powerful family in the Tosa Shadow systems. His uncle is Dolki Fairhand, a mighty warrior and Duke. His father is Jeremy Lockpick Fairhand, Archmage of Tosa. Venki himself was one king of a realm in the lands of Tosa, as well as Chief Bard of Tosa, and patron of the Wind Goddess.

He spent many years striving under the shadow of his father and his uncle and despite great gains never quite reached the level of power as they did. Not that he really wanted that. But when it came to it, he was forced to flee and left nearly everything behind when the Black Road War manifested in Tosa and destroyed the planet. Few survived, though his father and his uncle managed it but have lain deep in shadow.

Venki set out traveling. Singing, and finding much to see and do. Reinvigorated, he seeks out those of interest to tell their tales.