- Str 6
- Dex 7+1##= 8
- End 6 +1##=7
- Int 9
- Edu 8 +1##=9 +1 (mustering)=10
- Social 5 -1 (Term 2)
- Roll 1d6, add the result to your attributes anywhere you like, to a maximum of 12 in any single att. Note the amount less than 6 that was rolled — this number will generate bonuses during career paths. Rolled a 3## (added to attributes)Used them for two survivals and one advancement roll later.
Final Skills
- Rank 3 Scavenger
- Survival 0
- Engineer 0
- computer 0
- comms 0
- Pilot small craft 2
- Mechanic 1
- Astrogation 1
- Vacc suit 3
- Zero g 2
- Gun combat 1
- Jack of all trades 3
- pilot spacecraft 2
- Trader (Belter)1 (Zone might be better)
Background skills
- Survival 0
- Engineering 0
- Comms 0
- Computer 0
Term 1 Drifter: Scavenger
- Pilot small craft 1
- Mechanic 1
- Astrogation 1
- Vacc suit 1
- Zero g 1
- Gun combat 1
- Jack of all trades 0 (Rolled-yes!!)
- survival yes,
- advancement yes 1##(Used special) Skill gained: zero g +1. Rank 1 gained Vacc suit +1
- event You spend time on a salvage barge. Gain one of Pilot (any) 1, Vacc Suit 1, Astrogation 1 or Engineer (any) Chose Pilot spacecraft 1
Term 2 Drifter: Scavenger
- Chose Jack of all trades +1
- Survive yes##, (Used special)
- Advancement yes. skill gained vacc suit+ 1 Rank 2
- Event:Life event table: Accused of crime on board ship soc standing -1
- Pilot small craft 1
- Mechanic 1
- Astrogation 1
- Vacc suit 2
- Zero g 2
- Gun combat 1
- Jack of all trades 1
- Pilot spacecraft 1
Term 3 Drifter: Scavenger
- Chose Jack of all trades +1
- Survive yes
- Advancement yes## (Used special). skill gained Pilot small craft+ 1 Rank 3 gained Trade 1 belter
- Event
- Pilot small craft 2
- Mechanic 1
- Astrogation 1
- Vacc suit 2
- Zero g 2
- Gun combat 1
- Jack of all trades 2
- Pilot spacecraft 1
- Trade Belter 1
Term 4 Drifter: Scavenger
- Chose Jack of all trades +1
- survive No mishap 3 arrested
- No advance -
- no event
- Pilot small craft 2
- Mechanic 1
- Astrogation 1
- Vacc suit 2
- Zero g 2
- Gun combat 1
- Jack of all trades 3
- Pilot spacecraft 1
- Trade Belter 1
Mustering out benefits
- 3+2 Rank
- None
- None
- Weapon
- 4000
- +1Edu
- Kettu to her family, but now going by the name of Foxtrot.
Born on a bad ass Mangrove world, deep within the Terran Federation, Foxtrot was just a kid when the fall came, killing her immediate family and destroying everything she knew. Saved by her Uncle and his ship, that luckily ran on Imperial protocols, she escaped to what was to become the Zone…... A life of scavenging, smuggling and violence ensued, hopping from one small enclave to another. Her Uncle died and crews came and went, relationships and fortunes were made and lost over night, all hardening the already tough woman into who she is today. A daily game of cat and mouse was acted out with the Federation authorities, as they did their best to curb her and her associates excursions into forbidden space…..Eventually her luck run out and the Space patrol cornered her one fatal day. Looking at a long stretch in jail she was surprised when her cell door opened and in came FERA to offer her a choice: A prison hulk or a chance to share her skills for the better good.
What's a girl to do with choices like that? Least the uniform looked good.
Small and lithe, dark skinned with branded cheeks and emerald green eyes, Foxtrot is tough, callous and good at what she does, which is a bit of everything thanks to her life on the edge. So far there's been nothing she can't turn her hand too…..So far. Double crossing, cheating and extreme violence have been her daily bread for as long as she can remember, so don't expect her to trust anyone else, let alone you.
FERA: It's a home, better than prison and she's liking what she's seeing. Good grub, professional crews and the promise of steady pay. Damn their ship is nice.... She feels mighty good behind the Con, giving orders to shiny folk.....