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Revision as of 20:47, 20 August 2013 by BBA (talk | contribs) (Classes)
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This campaign is based on the Pathfinder rules. D&D 3.5 is used for feats, spells and equipment as long as it fits the pathfinder rules


- Lupok master of weather.

- Lucan d'Orien an archer from the church of light.

- QB Loptr an illusionist troublemaker.

- Duran a Nibelungen fighter for the church of light.


Storyline so far

The party set out to intervene in a war between the outlands and there nation. It soon became apparent that the war troubles in the outlands where just the tip of the iceberg. The party discovered an unknown evil that corrupts all living things. With the help of the society of mirror walkers they set off to find the truth behind this evil Taint.

The party found groups of people experimenting with the taint, but before they could capture them they where waylaid by ogres.

Feeling defeated that they let the enemy get away they return to the town only to find that not all is what it seems. The whip found at the site turns out to be possessed by un unknown force and wreaks havoc in town. Has the taint the ability to even effect normal objects?

The party has no time and are send to investigate a abandoned town. Using the mirror walkers to get past the Church of light blockades. Down in the tunnels the party found rat-like humanoids digging up everything and building an army. Where they the cause of the taint? Before the party could found out they had to flee to the surface where they unknowingly unleashed a new evil into the world. Would this come back to haunt them?

At the request of the mirror walkers the party travels to a seaside town where during the parade of the dead young girls disappear every year. In a town full of fear the party finally finds some people willing to help and they successfully rescue the girl only to be framed for the murder of the major. Who is this major assistance that can control the dead? How is he connected to the masked skeleton? The questions are piling up for the party.

The party flies only to find out that another town is under the attack of skeletons. When they arrive they find literally a skeleton town. With the help of some locals they were able to fight their way into the keep and destroy the Wright that was guarding the skeleton making gate. There victory is short lived. Just as they defeat the Wright Lucan rides into town with the gravest of news. The master is coming!








House rules

Starting stats

characters use the point buy from the Pathfinder SRD.

characters can spend 20 point (5 more then normal) to compensate for the lack of magic items.



  • characters have only 50% of the normal gold from level 2 upwards.


Magic items

There are no magic items in the traditional way. Every character has one special item from the spirits.



Changes in the following skills

  • Command
  • Knowledge (arcane)
  • Meditate
  • Runecraft
  • Use magic device
  • Ventriloquism
  • Spellcraft is removed


Spell alterations

  • There is only spontaneous magic (like sorcerer) no prepared magic (like wizard)
  • all spell components of less then 1gp are removed (like Eschew Materials feat), this does not alter the casting time or spell level
  • Greater Scrying: duration changed to 1 min/level
  • Spell with a permanent duration
  • Storm of Vengeance: the damage dealing parts of the spells are restricted to a 30-ft. radius somewhere in the cloud. The caster can designate a new area as a free action each round.
  • Teleportation spells only work for the caster. He can take other creatures, but must expend another spell for each creature travelling with him.
  • Spells that allow interdimensional travel for large groups of people (Gate, Teleportation Circle) do not exist.
  • Resurrection spells and raise spells do not exist.



Removed classes: cleric, druid, wizard

Eddited classes: ranger, paladin, Sorcerer Added classes: gunslinger, shaman


Common races

Humans: humans live in almost every area of the Known Lands.

Shee: a race of beautiful but quiet, fairylike creatures

Nomes: dwarflike creatures with pointy noses and large ears. They live close to nature, and have a special affinity with magic.

Nibelungen: close cousins to the Nomes. Some say they are the same race. They live almost exclusively in Tarnland. Nibelungen are more sturdy and strong than Nomes.

Beastmen: these savage people who look half human, half animal live in secluded parts of all the known lands, but mostly in Namaria and the Republic of Nim.

Fairies: a lot of beings live closer to the spirit world than those mentioned above. Fauns, Dryads, Nimphs, Pixies, but also trolls and kobolds are all considered to belong to the fairy world.


Campaign Setting

The world

Morrowland is a world of floating islands, amidst clouds, light and fantastical creatures. Humans from the United Empire or the Republic of Nim fly through the air on airships build by their friends, the Nomes. The Known Lands are on all sides surrounded by the Open Air. Far below the Known Lands is the Everstorm: a place where no aircaptain would risk going.

Morrowlands islands move through the air on known paths. Between the islands are air conduits that can be used to fly easily from island to island. The sun’s makes a long path through the sky every day: nights are short, but so is full day: most of the time the lands of Morrowland are covered in twilight.

The most important areas of the Known Lands are:

The United Empire: mostly based on the continent of Namaria, this is a conglomeration of seven countries led by a democratically chosen Empress.

The Republic of Nim: ironically, the republic is everything but democratic: there is only one Party, and the President’s word is law. The Republic is located on the second largest continent, and has annexed several smaller islands in the vicinity.

Tallindra: the highest group of lands is inhabitated by the Shee, a fairylike race.

Shannathu: a mysterious land of peace, tranquility, contemplation. On the other hand, one of the most powerful group of warriors, the Shan monks, are trained here.

Tarnland: a beautiful but rough land, known for it’s fierce inhabitants.

The Celenian city states: a group of cities build on small islands by the Nomes. A very crowded and hectic society, where everything is for sale.

Bucan: Somewhere between Namaria and the Republic are the hidden islands of the Bucan privateers. These people are rightly feared, because the ambush trade vessels and keep their prisoners as slaves. They also seem to be more technically advanced as the other countries.



Most people believe that spirits live in every object and every being. These spirits can be appeased by many different types of rituals. Most people find a spirit close to home with which they feel comfortable (or afraid) and make them daily offerances. Some individuals (most notably the shamans) have a more direct connection to the spirits and with their help can alter the world in certain ways. Other individuals have found ways to alter the world directly through the magic of Nomic Runes. These are called sorcerers, and they are mostly feared or even hated by the common people.

On one of the largest islands, called the republic of Nim, another faith has taken ground. The Path of the Light reveres only the light of the sun, that is omnipresent and all powerful. Although it started out small, the Church of the Light now has a notable foothold in the Republic. They see reverence of other spirits as ridiculous or even blasphemous.


The taint

The party has had many encounters with the taint. Here is written what they learned from those encounters. This section is not based on the truth but only on the perception of the party.

  • Living creatures can be tainted, in witch case they mutate.
  • The taint does not only effect you physically but also mentaly.
  • The taint is not permanent, creatures can be cured.
  • Groups of people are experimenting on the taint.
  • Ratlike humanoids harvest stones filled with the taint.
  • Ratlike humanoids eat the tainted stones to increase there power.
  • The Church of the light is hiding information about the taint from the rest of the people.


