Patrin the Stout
Biographical Info
Name Patrin the Stout Sex Male Age 33 Height 5'8" Weight 206 pounds Hair Dark Brown Eyes Blue Skin White, tanned History and Personality Description Heavy set human, well-trimmed beard and hair. Shield device is a red heart on a silver field.
Class Paladin Level 7 EXP 124.500 Alignment LG
STR 16/80 INT 11 WIS 17 DEX 15/82 CON 18/35 CHR 18/00 COM 21
Combat Stats
THAC0 14 AC -3 (+1 Full Plate, +1 Large Shield, Dex bonus) HP 69 Move 6" Saving Throws (Gets +2 on all saving throw rolls, additional +2 saving vs illusions. 90% chance that mind-altering effects will not work Immune to fear) Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic 10 Petrification/Polymorph 11 Rod/Staff/Wand 12 Dragon Breath 12 Spell 13
Race and Class Abilities Saving throw bonuses noted above. Protection from Evil and Protection from Fear 1" radius Lay on hands, 14hp/day Cure Disease 2/week Immune to disease Weapon of choice bonuses Attacks as one level higher when mounted Parry ability Can fight at up to -8 HP Turn undead as cleric level-2
Gear and Treasure
Encumbrance Coins GP EP SP CP Weapons Heavy Lance, Horseman's Flail, +1 Dagger, +5 Long Sword Holy AvengerWolf Law, Int 15 3 primary abilities
Speech Languages: LG, Common, Dragon (white), Hobgoblin, Orcish Alignment LG
Detect good/evil 1" radius Detect precious metals, kind and amount 2" radius Flying 12"/turn, 1 hour/day
Ego 16
Gear Treasure
Created for Tomb of the Lizard King campaign