In the Halls of Undermountain: Shaylee
Shaylee is a player character in In The Halls of Undermountain, played by ShadowWhispers
Character Summary

Name: Shaylee
Quote: "There is a saying is Sarifal: the bold child plays with steel, but the foolish plays with fire. I am both. Do you still wish to dance?"
Age: Looks about 18. Who know? Elves, man.
Sex: Female
Race: Eladrin (Llewyrr Elf)
Class: Monk
Character Tags: Firebender, free spirit, naive country elf, fairy princess
Description: Shaylee is a young-ish looking elf, with the fair, pale skin of her moon elf cousins. Her long hair, however, is a red-gold color not seen on eladrin on the continent; she wears it tied up in a high tail with a finely carved and filagreed wooden ornament to keep it out of her eyes, which are a verdant green with small golden flecks. Shaylee is short for an eladrin, standing just shy of five and a half feet tall, and she has a willowy, lean build like a dancer. She wears fine fey silks in a strange, almost anachronistic style, and bears a well-crafted if somewhat odd looking sword, usually kept belted behind her waist.
Personality: Shaylee is curious, passionate, and impulsive. The world outside of Synnoria is a strange, confusing place, filled with more people than she's ever seen in her life. That half of them are men is even more mind-boggling, given her home kingdom's demographics (more than three females for every male). Thus, Shaylee has an almost childlike fascination with every new thing she comes across; things that most other people in Waterdeep take entirely for granted are amazing to her, and she's not shy about asking questions, which makes a lot of people think she's a little taken in the head. Shaylee has a passionate spirit; she throws herself fully into everything she tries. This can make her seem flighty; indeed, one of her biggest flaws is that she tends to jump into things without thinking about them.
Bio: Shaylee has lived her whole life within the borders Sarifal, the fey kingdom of the Moonshae Isles. She grew up in Chrysalis, the capital city of the Llewyrr nation of Synnoria from which the High Lady rules the greater realm of the fey on the isle of Gwynneth; she is, in fact, the ruler's granddaughter, although as one of very few children born to the Llewyrr, she would have grown up like a princess regardless of her bloodline just for being a new child, and a hope for the future. Like many Llewyrr, she spent her early years learning about her people's ancient magics and their bond to their forest home and the Earthmother who is the greatest of its primal spirits, but her tutors found her a poor student; the young elfling was more interested in more active pursuits like dancing, swordplay, and hunting. Hard as they tried to mold her into a proper Llewyrr druid or arcanist, her people found her surprisingly difficult to keep from escaping to get into other forms of trouble.
it wasn't until her twelfth spring that she finally formed a true bond with one of the elements of her home, though not in the way most of her kin had hoped. One particularly far ranging adventure found her forced to take refuge from a storm in a tree. While she gossiped with the dryad who had opened her home to the elfling, a crack of lightning nearby ignited another great pine. While the dryad was horrified, Shaylee found herself strangely fascinated. She reached out to the flame . . . and found that it answered. Come to me, it seemed to say. "No. You come to me," she replied, and they danced in the rain. In this way, she saved both the tree and the flame, and awakened her most rare and usual gift: unlike her kin, who practice the arts of the arcane and the channeling of spirits, Shaylee's power came from unlocking the power of her mind and using it to channel the elements directly.
Her calling now clear, Shaylee devoted herself to it with a dedication that came as a surprise to her teachers and family, blending dance, sword-work, and elemental fury into a distinctive combat style. She joined the ranks of Sarifal's wardens as soon as she was old enough, using her talents to defend her people . . . in between frequent further "adventures" into isle's ruins or harassment games in the darkness beneath the earth.
Grudge: Precious artifacts of the kingdom of Sarifal have disappeared. When the best divinations available to her people suggested that they lay outside its borders, Shaylee was the first to volunteer for the mission in search of them. Her investigations revealed that they had travelled beyond the isle entirely, and brought her to Waterdeep. What few clues she's been able to track down here suggest that the ancient fey relics of her people now rest within the halls of Undermountain, and so she prepares to enter the infamous dungeon in search of them or further leads as to where to search next.
Character Sheet
Shaylee, level 2
Medium Fey Striker (Psionic)
Alignment: Good
Class: Monk
- Monastic Training: Desert Wind
- Desert Wind Flurry of Blows: No action, melee 1, one creature, once/her own turn when she hits with an attack. 2 + Cha mod (2) fire damage (+1 if wielding a longsword 2-handed). If the target wasn't targeted by the triggering attack, it takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls for any attack including Shaylee. Shaylee can then shift 1 square.
- Mental Crucible: Resist 5 fire
- Unarmored Defense: +2 AC while in Cloth or no armor.
- Unarmed Combatant: Unarmed strike is a +3 proficiency, 1d8 damage weapon with the off-hand weapon property. Must have a hand free to use.
Race: Eladrin
- +2 Int, +2 Dex
- Speed: 6
- Low-light vision
- Languages: Common, Elven
- Eladrin Education: gain training in one extra skill (Nature elected)
- Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Proficient with the longsword.
- Eladrin Will: +1 racial bonus to Will, +5 to saving throws vs. charm effects
- Fey Step: Racial Encounter Utility (Teleportation). Move Action: Teleport 5 squares.
- Trance: Rather than sleep, Shaylee trances. She needs to spend 4 hours doing so to take a long rest, but is fully aware of her surroundings.
- Subrace: Llewyrr Elf
- Historical Insight: +2 racial bonus to History and Insight.
Background: Sarifal
- Benefit: Gain one kind of Terrain Walk. Shaylee has Earth Walk: she ignores difficult terrain that is rubble, uneven stone, or an earthen construction
Theme: Sarifal Feywarden
- Level 1 feature: Sarifal's Blessing, Encounter Utility (Arcane, Aura, Primal). Minor Action: choose cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, or thunder. Aura 2 until end of next turn: allies gain resist 5 to the chosen type, and enemies are vulnerable 5 to Shaylee's attacks that deal the chosen damage type.
Ability Scores:
Str 10, Con 10, Dex 20, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 14
Maximum Hit Points: 27, bloodied value 13, surge value 6. Surges/day: 7
AC 20, Fort 12, Ref 17, Will 15, Init +6
Trained Skills:
Athletics +6, Acrobatics +11, Nature +5, Perception +5, Stealth +11
Untrained Skills:
Arcana +2, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +0, Endurance +1, Heal +0, History +4, Insight +2, Intimidate +3, Religion +2, Streetwise +3, Thievery +6
Basic calculations: Dex attack, Implement: +5 (Dex) + 1 (Dancing Thorn Style) + 1 (Expertise) +1 (Enhancement) + 1 (half-level)= +9 attack. Damage bonus, Dex: +5 (Dex) + 1 (Enhancement) +2 (Eladrin Soldier) = +8 damage
Melee Basic Attack: +6 vs. AC. Hit: 1d8+3 damage.
- Blistering Flourish (Elemental, Fire, Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic)
- Attack Standard, melee touch, one creature. +8 vs. Ref. Hit: 1d8+8, and melee attacks deal Cha mod (+2) extra fire damage until end of next turn.
- Movement: Move. Shaylee moves her speed, and any enemy that hits her with opportunity attacks provoked by this movement takes 2 + Cha mod (+2) fire damage.
- Fallen Needle (Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic)
- Attack: Standard, melee touch, one creature. +8 vs. Ref. Hit: 1d10+8 damage, and a -2 to target's attacks vs. Shaylee until end of next turn.
- Movement: Minor. Shaylee shifts 1 square or moves 3 squares.
- Light the Fire (Aura, Elemental, Fire, Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic)
- Attack: Standard, melee touch, one creature. +8 vs. Ref. Hit: 2d8+8 fire damage. Effect: Aura 1 until end of next turn; any enemy that starts its turn in the aura takes 2+Cha mod (+2) fire damage.
- Movement: Move. Shaylee shifts 2 squares.
- Risen Sun (Aura, Elemental, Fire, Implement, Psionic)
- Standard, close blast 3, enemies in blast. +8 vs. Ref. Hit: 2d6+8 damage and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends); can slide suffering targets 1 on a failed save. Effect: Aura 1 until end of next turn: any enemy that enters the aura or ends its turn there takes Dex mod (+5) fire damage; an enemy can only take the damage once per turn.
- Agile Recovery
- Minor Action: Stand up.
- Requirement: Must be trained in Acrobatics
- Level 1: Dancing Thorn Style: +1 bonus to attack rolls using monk implement attack powers while wielding a longsword, +1 to Flurry of Blows damage while using it two-handed.
- Level 2: Eladrin Soldier: Proficiency with all spears, +2 feat bonus to damage with longswords and all spears
- (Bonus) Heavy Blade Expertise: +1 feat bonus to attacks with longswords, +2 to AC vs. Opportunity Attacks.
- (Bonus) Unarmored Agility: +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing cloth or no armor.
Equipment: Longsword (Heavy Blade, +3 prof, 1d8 damage, Versatile), Adventurer's Kit, Fine Clothing
Magic Items
- Gift of the Morning Dawn, Firewind Blade Longsword +1 (Level 4)
- Weapon: Heavy Blade
- Enhancement: +1 attack rolls and damage rolls
- Critical: +1d6 fire damage, and slide the target 1 square
- Property: On hit with a fire power using this weapon, a target adjacent to Shaylee takes 1 + enhancement bonus (+1) fire damage.
- Utility Power: (Fire) * Daily (Free Action). Trigger: Shaylee uses her second wind on her turn. Effect: melee attacks with this weapon deal +1 fire damage until the end of her next turn.
Cash: 125 gp Experience: 1665
Character Songs
General Themes:
- Light My Fire, Kotoko
Battle Themes:
- Agni Kai, The Track Team (from the Avatar: The Last Airbender soundtrack)