The Eleventh Doctor
The Doctor
played by Kaiju Keiichi

Aliases The Doctor, John Smith, The Beast, The Valeyard, Theta Sigma
Solo d6, Team d8, Buddy d10
- Sad and Lonely God
- Mad Man in a Box
- Never Stop Running
Centuries of Gadgets
Centuries of Gadgets - Technology Influence D8, Intangibility D8 (Sonic Screwdriver - unlocking doors and gates, finding weaknesses in barriers), Mind Control D8 (Psychic Paper), Teleport D12, Forcefield D12, Flight D10 (the TARDIS)
- SFX: Boffin - Add Technology Influence or Intangibility to pool when using Tech Master or Science Master specialties or when using Super Science.
- SFX - TARDIS Malfunction - Shut down all TARDIS powers in exchange for 1 PP. Can be recovered either in a transition scene or upon gaining an Opportunity.
- LIMIT: Gear
- LIMIT: Who'd Want Sonic? - SONIC SCREWDRIVER affects machines and inorganic materials only
Last of the Time Lords - Enhanced Senses D8, Psychic Resistance D8, Telepathy D8, Super Science D10 (As Sorcery - the Doctor can use his advanced science and technology knowledge to create assets in a similar way to Sorcery, except as gadgets or hare brained schemes. These assets last only for the scene, as per normal Sorcery), Superhuman Stamina D8
- SFX - TARDIS Malfunction - Shut down all TARDIS powers in exchange for 1 PP. Can be recovered either in a transition scene or upon gaining an Opportunity.
- SFX - He is ancient and terrible - Add Emotional Stress to any one action in exchange for adding 1D6 to the Doom Pool
Cosmic Master D10, Medical Expert D8, Menace Master D10, Psych Expert D8,Science Master D10, Tech Master D10,Vehicle Expert D8
Every Star, Every Planet
- 1 XP When you arrive in a new time or place
- 3 XP When you deliberately seek to interfere in events that have nothing to do with you
- 10 XP When a new companion joins you, or leaves you
The Lonely God
The Lonely God
- 1 XP When reminded that you are the last of your kind and responsible for ending the Time War
- 3 XP When your Time Lord nature either endangers your Companions or causes them to become greater or better
- 10 XP When one of your Companions suffers Trauma due to their direct involvement with you, or when you regenerate to protect them from such Trauma.