The Great Commorragh Campaign Enemies
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PDF Trooper (10 Glory)
SIZ 13 DEX 9 STR 12 CON 13
DMG 4d6, Stun 13, MW 13
HP 25, UNC 6, Armor 4 (+4 Parry)
Lasgun 12, Bayonet 10
PDF Officer (15 Glory)
SIZ 14 DEX 10 STR 13 CON 14
DMG 5d6, Stun 14, MW 14
HP 28, UNC 7, Armor 8 (Hard) (+5 Parry + see chainsword)
Laspistol 12 (DMG 3d6, gives sword and pistol bonus)
Chainsword 15 (+1d6 damage vs Soft Armor, +2 Parry)
Knife 12 (DMG 4d6)
Elite Trooper (20 Glory)
SIZ 14 DEX 10 STR 13 CON 14
DMG 5d6, Stun 14, MW 14
HP 28, UNC 7, Armor 10 (Hard) (+5 Parry + see chainsword)
Valorous 15
Laspistol 15 (DMG 3d6, gives sword and pistol bonus)
Chainsword 16 (+1d6 damage vs Soft Armor, +2 Parry)
Knife 12 (DMG 4d6)
Elite Officer (25 Glory)
SIZ 15 DEX 10 STR 14 CON 15
DMG 5d6, Stun 15, MW 15
HP 30, UNC 8, Armor 12 (Hard) (+5 Parry + see chainsword)
Valorous 15
Bolt pistol 12 (DMG 4d6, +1d6 vs Soft Armor, gives sword and pistol bonus)
Chainsword 18 (+1d6 damage vs Soft Armor, +2 Parry)
Knife 12 (DMG 4d6)
Directed Trait: Mark of Slaanesh +3 (adds to Valor for major wounds)
Chaos Marine Aspirant (50 Glory)
SIZ 20 DEX 14 STR 20 CON 16
DMG 7d6, Stun 18, MW 16
HP 34, UNC 9, Armor 14 (Hard) (+7 Parry + see chainsword)
Valorous 18
Bolt pistol 15 (DMG 4d6, +1d6 vs Soft Armor, gives sword and pistol bonus)
Chainsword 18 (+1d6 damage vs Soft Armor, +2 Parry)
Knife 15 (DMG 5d6)
Directed Trait: Mark of Slaanesh +3 (adds to Valor for major wounds)
Emperor's Children Space Marine (100 Glory)
SIZ 23 DEX 18 STR 25 CON 20
DMG 8d6, Stun 23, MW 20
HP 43, UNC 11, Armor 18 (Hard) (+9 Parry + see chainsword)
Valorous 20
Legion Bolt pistol 18 (DMG 5d6, +1d6 vs Soft Armor, gives sword and pistol bonus)
Chainsword 21 (+1d6 damage vs Soft Armor, +2 Parry)
Knife 18 (DMG 7d6)
-Soul Siphon: When it deals a Major Wound to an Eldar with a melee attack it regains 5hp.
Directed Trait: Mark of Slaanesh +5 (adds to Valor for major wounds)
Kabalite Warrior (25 Glory)
SIZ 12 DEX 16 STR 13 CON 12
DMG 4d6, Stun 12, MW 12
HP 25, UNC 6, Armor 10 (Hard) (+8 Parry)
Valorous 14
Splinter Pistol 13 (DMG 3d6, Poison 10)
Splinter Rifle 16 (DMG 4d6, Poison 10)
Bayonet 13 (DMG 4d6, spear)
Kabalite Thug (15 Glory)
SIZ 11 DEX 15 STR 12 CON 11
DMG 4d6, Stun 11, MW 11
HP 22, UNC 6, Armor 10 (Hard) (+8 Parry)
Valorous 13
Splinter Pistol 11 (DMG 3d6, Poison 10)
Splinter Rifle 14 (DMG 4d6, Poison 10)
Bayonet 12 (DMG 4d6, spear)
Mandrake (25 Glory)
SIZ 14 DEX 16 STR 15 CON 15
DMG 5d6, Stun 14, MW 15
HP 29, UNC 7, Armor 2 (Soft) (+8 Parry + Blade)
Valorous 18
Shadowstep 12
Blade 15 (DMG 5d6, +1 Parry)
Claws 15 (DMG 4d6)
- Mandrakes get the +5 bonus to combat skills for being unarmored.
- Shadowskin: Mandrakes exist partially in another dimension and as such when they take a wound they make a DEX-10 check. If they succeed the damage is reduced to 1HP. They must still test for consciousness or Valor from MW. If they fail they always flee, roll their Shadowstep unopposed to secape.
SIZ 1, DEX 20, STR 5, CON 5
DMG 1d6 Stun 1, MW 5
HP 6, UNC 2, Armor 0 + Parry 5*
Blades 12 (+1d6 vs soft armor)
- Due to their light build most flyers halve their parry rating.
A Typical Razorwing flock consists of 10-15 animals and can attack at most 3 nearby targets (the flock must stay together). When it attacks up to 3 can attack each target and wounded animals will immediately move to the back of the flock to avoid further combat.
Gretchin (1 Glory)
SIZ 6 DEX 15 STR 6 CON 15
DMG 2d6, Stun 6, MW 15
HP 21, UNC 5, Armor 1 (+4 Parry)
Stabba 6
- Cowards: Gretchin always fail Valorous rolls due to a Major Wound.
Mekboy (10 Glory)
SIZ 14 DEX 10 STR 12 CON 16
DMG 4d6, Stun 14, MW 16
HP 30, UNC 8, Armor 6 (+5 Parry)
MekTool 12
- Mob Roolz: Orks have a bonus to Valorous rolls equal to the number of Orks nearby. Typically there are 2d6+3 Orks close enough to count.
Ork Boy (15 Glory)
SIZ 18 DEX 8 STR 16 CON 18
DMG 6d6, Stun 18, MW 18
HP 34, UNC 9, Armor 6 (+4 Parry)
Slugga 8, Choppa 14
- Mob Roolz: Orks have a bonus to Valorous rolls equal to the number of Orks nearby. Typically there are 2d6+3 Orks close enough to count.