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NPCs associated with the Tremlett Navy

Shadowless Shark

Important Crew

  • Wren Badg, Relief Pilot. An extremely heavily bionically replaced man. Served as pilot primaris under Lancelot Tremlett, but was badly maimed by the ambush that slew his Captain.
  • Ivo Vorkagh, Master of Etherics. A sycophantic brown-noser that nevertheless is skilled, efficient and concise.
  • Avland Quark, Magos and Enginseer Prime. 110 years of service to House Tremlett, fiercely loyal and highly protective of what he sees as his ship. Very skilled.
  • Alexis Yianni, Master of Ordnance. Strict taskmaster, but well-loved by gun-crews for his impressive displays of fireworks on the observation decks.
  • Sveta Fedorova, Choir-Mistress Telepathica. Cantankerous crone, misanthropic, misandrist, misogynist. Likes no-one but the God-Emperor.
  • John Bishop, Ship's Bishop. Head priest of the Emperor aboard the Shadowless Shark. Has no sense of humor regarding his name and station.

Navigator's Spire

  • David Thorne, Spire Seneschal. The go-to man for the ship's navigators for all their various needs.
  • Ritzin Damos, Under-Navigator. A young and overly cocky Navigator who believes his talents are greater than they actually are. Actually has significant potential, if Mordecai doesn't strangle the little shite first.
  • Geli Tsinter, Under-Navigator. A stoic female Navigator who does her work uncomplainingly and without fatigue, although lacking in imagination.
  • Beta Bakkerig, Warp-Guide. Reclusive shut-in that has refused to leave her quarters (but scans show life-signs of) since the death of Lancelot Tremlett.
  • Alexis, Vigilator. One of the Vigilant Oathsworn, purpose-bred bodyguards of the senior navigators of House Aulus

Mustered Soldiery

  • Ben Durkriss, Retinue-Lieutenant (Remi Orthasiam). Rescued from the Footfallen slave markets by Remi. Fanatically loyal to Remi first and foremost, and through him the Trmletts.
  • Kiril Nessossin, Retinue-Lieutenant (Anastasia Lagunov). Anastasia's former-and-again left-hand man. Polite, efficient spy and interrogator.

Other Ships

  • Stanislav Radky, Captain (The Emperor's Beneficence). Is on Tremlett-paid Juvenat, physically in his early 60s. Decades-long servant of House Tremlett.
  • Ila Korrapakti, Captain (Hulrun). Dusky-skinned woman of short statue, close-cropped hair interspersed with headtubes and uplink cables of upper-class cranial interface units.
  • Chao Bei, Captain (Heart of Harbin). One-eyed asian woman with burn scars on the right half of her face.
  • Gottlieb Ritter, Captain (Praise Be To His Eternal Light). Lanky, austere, fanatically religious blond-haired, blue-eyed captain.
  • Theodosia Simonides, Captain (Bearer of Righteous Hatred). Dour woman with several medals for combat-delivery of Imperial Guard regiments to contested systems.
  • Portius Naevius, Captain (Rosa Rubicunda). Portly man with greasy, pasty-white skin and flagellant's scars visible on every bit of skin beneath the neck.
  • Jan Aellinsar, Captain (Magna Rossa). Seventh son of a fourth son of a minor Scintillan noble house. Was bought out by Remi in his demi-acquisition of the Magna Rossa.
  • Pietr Ramman, Captain (Vikram LII). Freeman client of the Silverlight Conglomerate, is ambivalent about Remi's surprise buy-out.

Viridian Falls

  • Tessa de Roode, Major (ret.), Colonial Representative, House Tremlett.
    • A severe woman in her early sixties, buzz-cut black hair showing the first flecks of grey. Formerly of the Sun's Hammer Batallion, an outfit of mercenaries operating out of Scintilla, she retired there to serve as a trainer of armsmen on the Shadowless Shark under Lancelot Tremlett, and retired from that when you left to explore the subsector. She exhibits the naturally elevated paranoia of an Imperial officer - and is both an intense zealot of the Imperial Creed while retaining strong ties to her old outfit.


  • Laurence, Lord Tremlett, paterfamilias of House Tremlett, Administrator Primaris over its various holdings. Lisette's father. Great at all things commerce. Not good at all at violence and barely capable of self-defense.
  • Lucrezia, Lady Tremlett, commanding colonel of the Tremlett House Guard on Scintilla, Lisette's mother. Soldier, commander and assertive politician.
  • Gavin Tremlett, Seneschal of House Tremlett, Lisette's cousin. Young, ambitious, slightly foppish. Deadly. Loyal to House Tremlett and the Warrant as well as the memory of his father, Lancelot.