Dr. Mitchell Knight, PhD.
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Played by Ashikaider
Traits and Talents
Age ??
Brains 5 (Lasers 8)
Muscles 2 (Climb 5)
Moves 2 (Sneak 5)
Cool 3 (Fast Talk 7)
Goal Using Science! for Fun and Profit (but mainly fun)
Greatest Fear Having his work taken advantage of
Portrayed By
Val Kilmer (in his younger, thinner days)
Although having graduated from a university in Southern California with a doctorate in optical physics and scored an very nice job with a well-to-do corporation, Mitch's prospects looked good until his carefree attitude about life caused him to butt heads with his supervisor. This ultimately led to Mitch to plant farm animals in the man's office as a prank that backfired, leaving him fired and with few prospects in his chosen field.
Drifting around the country for a few months, he wound up in Boston, and began taking odd courses at Boston University, which garnered him the attention of the local Ghostbusters franchise. Before the initial meeting was over, ideas for improving the proton packs were dancing through his mind, and an initial schematic, jotted down on a cocktail napkin got him the job. He hasn't even started work yet, and he's already had some long phone calls with Doctors Spengler and Stantz.