Proton Pack

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The Proton Pack is the most powerful tool that the Ghostbusters carry on a daily basis, equipped with a power source that has a half life of 5000 years it is not prone to running out of power. (Ghostbusters II) However, it must be recharged at times.

The Proton Pack is an Unlicensed Nuclear Accelerator Backpack that consists of raw nuclear energy and Protons. The Proton Pack is mounted onto an Army issue A.L.I.C.E. Pack Frame with adjustable shoulder and kidney straps and belt, the Proton Pack consists of two parts: The Nuclear Accelerator Backpack (Proton Pack, Positron Collider, Cyclotron.) and Particle Thrower (Proton Gun, Ion Wand, Ion Cannon, Neutrona Wand.). Once you turn the Proton Pack on, you can also switch on the Particle Thrower.

Regardless of the local terminology, the Accelerator accelerates the Protons from the Cyclotron on the pack into the Particle Thrower, and you get an extremely powerful but destructive particle stream that consists of Protons and raw nuclear energy. This is capable of entangling a ghost against its will (An excellent way to think of the particle stream would be as a lasso for ghosts.).

All ghosts are made up of Psychokinetic Energy (Which consists of Electrons, Neutrons, and the infamous substance known as "Ectoplasm".). The Electron is one of three elements in an Atom (The other two being the Proton and the Neutron.). Electrons carry a negative charge (As does Ectoplasm.), whereas a Neutron has no charge and a Proton has a positive charge. Negative energy is no match for positive energy. When a person fires the particle stream at a ghost, the ghost will become entangled in the stream and will become trapped (Unless the spirit is more powerful and so the power in the stream will have to be increased accordingly.).

The Particle Thrower also features a control for stream length. This proves invaluable when tracking a ghost that floats. The Proton Pack can disintegrate a paper cup, cut through steel, chop down big trees, and blast a dam. The particle stream is harmless to humans on low power. It was later discovered that particle streams could be adjusted to simulate sunlight, in order to vaporize Vampires, and temporarily transform werewolves back into their human form until the next full moon; To permanently cure a werewolf, Wolfsbane Soup is needed.

The Proton Pack has two settings:

Setting 1: Attack. Generates the most energetic stream of particles, expressly designed to weaken an entity's psychokinetic energy and it's connection to our time-space continuum (referred to officially as Ectopresence) The GBI pack is set to still emit a weak Confinement field even in Attack mode--GBI Case File GBNY-1986-4/405 (code name RoboBuster) demonstrates the necessity of not using a "pure" Attack mode.

Setting 2: Confinement. Generates a positively charged "cage" around the entity being confined; however, the Confinement is only effective if the entity's Ectopresence has been reduced to a valence of zero--otherwise it can easily break the Confinement stream. Once Confined, standard procedure is to capture the entity in a Ghost Trap.

Safety Precautions: There are two warnings about the Proton Pack that should be taken very seriously: 1) Do not cross the streams: This process is extremely dangerous as it causes Total Protonic Reversal, which results in the molecules of any nearby person to explode at the speed of light. Information on this situation is sketchy due to the rarity of it ever happening, it has only occurred once where those participating have survived. Please refer to the case where the Ghostbusters fought Gozer for more details.

2) Do not allow the pack to overheat: This in some ways is similar to Total Protonic Reversal, however on a more limited scale. It is however still extremely dangerous and it is rare for a person in the vicinity to survive a blast caused by overheating. A standard radius of destruction from four Proton Packs has been estimated as a quarter of a mile. There are twenty seconds at maximum boost before the Proton Packs overload.

Optional Extras: Rifle Scope. (Ghostbusters Animated series, episode: Take Two)