Airship Pirates The Nightingales Song
Abney Park's Airship Pirates - It's the year 2150 and something has gone horribly wrong with the timeline...
The Crew
- Captain Alicia Carson-Webster, played by jamieth
- Anastasya "Stasi" Stormborne, played by 13thapoc
- Tiffany Seize, played by Psychophant
- Fire Blossom, played by Glyptodont
- Miss Louisa Keary-Dungan, played by ncc2010
- Handling 11
- Movement 130mph
- Armor Points 6
- Crew 100/80
- Resource Space 70/80
- Range 1500 miles
- Fixed Cargo Space 75
- Resources
- Luxury (Captain's) Cabin (5)
- 6 Standard Cabins (16)
- Workshop (4)
- Sickbay (5)
- Bursar's/Business Office (4)
- Research Room (5)
- Secure/Secret Storage Compartments (4)
- 6 Grappling Hook Launchers (12)
- Complications
- Wallowing (-5)
- Weapons 20 Small Cannon (10 per side)
- Broadside Damage 100
- Health Dice 34
Nightingale Crew
- Chief Engineer Katyusha "Cogs"
- Caitlynn Sirocco, slightly senior salvage team member