Valar Dohaeris
This is the wiki for the DramaSystem game, Valar Dohaeris. This is a game of intrigue around House Meryn, set in a world following the style of the Game of Thrones series in the Westeros of A Song of Ice and Fire with the serial numbers filed off.
Dramatis Personae
- Lord Meryn
- Who Desires Stability
- And Struggles Between Strength and Compassion
- Lady Fianna
- Who Desires Acceptance
- And Struggles Between Exclusion and Assimilation
- Lamont
- Who Desires Respect
- And Struggles Between Freedom and Responsibility
- Gargan
- Who Desires Wealth
- And Struggles Between Greed and Virtue
Precedence Order
- Episode Proposal - Gargan (Captain Astounding), Lamont (Furmyr), Lady Fianna (Threlicus), Lord Meryn (DeeperThanSwords), GM (witamous)
- Second Episode - Gargan (Captain Astounding), Lord Meryn (DeeperThanSwords), Lamont (Furmyr), Lady Fianna (Threlicus), GM (witamous)
Relationship Map
Recurring Characters
- Rill
- He desires power, but tries to find a balance between influence and loyalty. He was friends with Lamont in their reckless youth, and is a rival with Gargan for influence of the players in House Meryn. A man with chain has been spying in the background, is the Maester?
- Pirin Vadis
- Younger son of Lord Marten Vadis
- Killed Lamont's horse and horribly injured his squire
- Ksanya Vadis
- Eldest daughter of the Vadis
- Involved in Fianna's Rituals
- Betrothed to Lamont
- Hiram Vadis
- Knight (Relationship to Marten?) of the Vadis
- In a relationship with Fianna on the sly
Minor Characters
- Marten, Lord Vadis
- Important Bannerman of Lord Meryn
- Septa Celine
- Lady Fianna's preferred spiritual counselor, from the Robestin lands,
- Follows views Gargan finds heretical.
Named Houses
- Vadis
- Bannermen of House Meryn
- Greyfort
- Bannermen of House Meryn, but on the border with Meryn's rivals.
- Robestin
- Fianna's birth House, tremendously wealthy, following a somewhat different interpretation of the Seven.
Places, Organizations
- Kenton
- Site of the Grand Sept, center of the Church