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The King's accountant is keeping a ledger of what money was given and where it's being spent.

So far:

  • The king initially gave each of you 50k to improve the town and another 50k for whatever (presumably a place to live).


Date Description Credit Debit
2nd Fireday, Aeraexri For Whatever 50k
2nd Fireday, Aeraexri For Town Improvement 50k
3rd Moonday, Aeraexri Lyre of Building 13k
3rd Stoneday, Aeraexri Town Guard Post 6k
1st Sunday, Jokr Raise Dead 6k
2nd Stoneday, Jokr Teleport fee for Lyre 1k
3rd Stoneday, Jokr Town wall 47k
1st Moonday, Rak Extra prize for festival 0.134k


Date Description Credit Debit
2nd Fireday, Aeraexri For Whatever 50k
2nd Fireday, Aeraexri For Town Improvement 50k
1st Moonday, Rak Extra prize for festival 0.133k
Build Mine 40k
4th Waterday, Ideth Profit from Mine 1.582k
4th Waterday, Sheto Profit from Mine 1.243k
4th Waterday, Sheto Reinvesting 12.297k
4th Waterday, Enaylak Profit from Mine 3.465k
4th Waterday, Thaeyl Profit from Mine 3.780k


Date Description Credit Debit
2nd Fireday, Aeraexri For Whatever 50k
2nd Fireday, Aeraexri For Town Improvement 50k
3rd Sunday, Aeraexri Tall Inn 5k
1st Moonday, Rak Extra prize for festival 0.133k
Build Weapon's Lab 40k
4th Waterday, Ideth Profit from Weapons Lab 2.237k
4th Waterday, Sheto Profit from Weapons Lab 1.811k
4th Waterday, Sheto Reinvesting 4.157k
4th Waterday, Enaylak Profit from Weapons Lab 3.465k
4th Waterday, Thaeyl Profit from Weapons Lab 1.300k

Spent Locally

Date Description Credit Debit
3rd Sunday, Aeraexri Tall Inn 5k
3rd Stoneday, Aeraexri Town Guard Post 6k
2nd Stoneday, Jokr Teleport fee for Lyre 1k
3rd Stoneday, Jokr Town wall 47k
Build Mine 40k
Build Weapon's Lab 40k
1st Moonday, Rak Extra prize for festival 0.4k
4th Waterday, Sheto Reinvesting 12.297k
4th Waterday, Sheto Reinvesting 4.157k

Spent Abroad

Date Description Credit Debit
3rd Moonday, Aeraexri Lyre of Building 13k

Business Profits

Date Description Credit Debit
4th Waterday, Ideth Profit from Mine 1.582k
4th Waterday, Ideth Profit from Weapons Lab 2.237k
4th Waterday, Sheto Profit from Mine 1.243k
4th Waterday, Sheto Profit from Weapons Lab 1.811k
4th Waterday, Enaylak Profit from Mine 3.465k
4th Waterday, Enaylak Profit from Weapons Lab 2.210k
4th Waterday, Thaeyl Profit from Mine 3.780k
4th Waterday, Thaeyl Profit from Weapons Lab 1.300k


Date Description Credit Debit
1st Sunday, Jokr Raise Dead 6k