Edward (That's ed-WAHD, not ED-word)
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands
Edward Class: Thief Level: 9 (Master Thief) Experience Points: 188944 (+10%) (280000 for 10th) Total Hit Points: 24 Armor Class: 3 Movement: 12"
Attributes: Strength 10 Intelligence 10 Wisdom 14 +1 certain saving throws vs. magic Dexterity 18 +3 missiles, -3 AC, +2 individual initiative Constitution 8 -1 hit points per die Charisma 9 4 maximum hirelings, default morale 7
Thief Abilities: Open Locks Find/Remove Traps Pick Pockets Move Silently Climb Sheer Surfaces Hide in Shadows Hear Noise 75% 70% 75% 75% 95% 65% 1-4
Other Abilities: -- May make backstab attempts with ranged weapons -- +2 to all saving throws (ORARE, Castle Amber dungeon) -- Read Languages 20%
On Person: gems (500, 500, 500) Dust of Disappearance Chime of Opening - wt 10 Potion of Invisibility - wt 10 Flying Carpet - wt 100 Bag of Endless Food - wt 10 Potion of Healing (2)
Stored at Guild: 6948 gp 400 pp Serving Set (6000) - wt 100 3 Candelabras (100 ea) - wt 150
Stored at Arduum: Gems (10, 10, 10, 10, 50, 50, 100, 500, 500) - wt 90 Jewels (2000, 4000, 13000, 14000) - wt 40 Richard's Crown (3800) -wt 25 Jewel (16000) - wt 10
Hidden Stash (Don't Ask): 380 pp Jeweled Clasp (300 gp) Necklace (1200) - wt 10 Necklace (1400) - wt 10 Broach (900) - wt 10 Spare shortsword ring (1300gp) - wt 10 ring (700) - wt 10 gem (100) - wt 10 gems (500 (x9), 100 (x8), 50) ring (1200)
Stored at Goblinfell Keep: Silver Bowls (100, 100, 500, 500, 1000) - wt 100 Ornate Bowls (50, 50, 100, 100) - wt 100 13 Silver Goblets (10 ea) -wt 130 Scroll: Treasure Map from Demon Statue - wt 10 (used)
Weapons: The Unheard Eye - wt 30 Shortbow - wt 30 (20 arrows) 1 silver arrows 2 Arrows +1 Dagger +1 - wt 10 Holy Water (3 vials) - wt 30
Armor: Leather Armor - wt 200 Elven Boots Elven Cloak Helm of Infravision Ring of Protection +1 -wt 10 The Escape Plan - wt 10
Backpack: Containing - wt 80 Thieve's Tools Large Sack x2 Iron Rations (1 week) Waterskin Wineskin Rope (50') Tinderbox Iron Spikes (12) Mirror Torches (2) crude goblin dice Rope of Climbing Writ from Guild Lantern Flask of Oil (2)
Total Encumbrance: 200 + 100 + 110 = 410
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