WMM:Randall C Arnold
Randall C. Arnold
Unearth the Past
Awareness: Above Average Co-ordination: Average Empathy: Good Mental Fortitude: Poor Physique: Average Reasoning: Above Average
Randall C. Arnold is an archaeologist who made some astounding finds in western Australia. Unfortunately, his reports of an advanced civilization contemporaneous with the dinosaurs did not meet with approval in academic circles. He has gravitated to the Institute, who at least do not dismiss his theories out of hand. Currently, he is aiding more mundane investigations while waiting for his proposals for a follow-up expedition to be considered.
Loved Ones
Randall has family in Rhode Island. They tend to be lawyers and bankers, and were disappointed when he chose to toil in distant lands without having the good grace to make a monumental discovery like Howard Carter, or at least not one that anyone could believe. Only his sister Amey seemed to believe he wasn't completely crazy, but she died last year of leukemia, leaving a baby daughter to be raised by their aunt and uncle. His brother Earle has offered him a job in his law firm, but only if he gives up all this foolishness and gets some help.
He is no longer in good odor with professional archaeologists, but he still corresponds with Robert Mackenzie, the Australian mining engineer who first told him of ancient ruins in the Great Sandy Desert (if I may be so bold as to steal one of Lovecraft's minor characters).
Randall was seriously injured during the investigation of the mansion, and decided to try to take on a quieter role to avoid further damage, both to his physical body and his mental state.