
Rubicon is the only black rock in the Core. Multiple attempts to terraform were abandoned. The list of reasons for failures include:
- Location in the direct path of the Harpies, a large swarm of meteoroids. The Harpies annually rain down a hail of destruction each February, that might damage settlements beyond repair.
- Porous crust. Seven water bearing comets were collided with Rubicon over the last hundred years. There is little to no atmospheric or sea water. Drilling could be used to extract the water, but the cost and utility would be prohibitive.
- Tectonic instability. Rubicon has been subject to serious earthquakes since it was studied. This has impeded terrestrial terraforming techniques.
Every few years novel plans have been introduced to terraform Rubicon.
There have been illicit mining attempts on occasion, usually following the attacks of the Harpies (with hopes of finding exposed ores or other precious stones). Although these ventures are illegal, they are mostly tolerated by Federal Authorities.
- Summer's Gift held up there in an old terraforming station.