[[image: ]]
Name: Lilwen
Race: Human?
Class: Rogue
Level: 1
Ability Scores
Str: (+0)
Dex: (+0)
Con: (+0)
Int: (+0)
Wis: (+0)
Cha: (+0)
Combat Summary
Armour Class:
Physical Defense:
Mental Defense:
Save Bonus:
Armour Type | AC | Attack Penalty |
None | 1n | - |
Light | 1n | - |
Heavy | 1n | -2 |
Shield | +1 | -2 |
Hit Points
Maximum: 8
Dice: 1d8+
Basic Attacks
Melee: Att: +n vs AC Hit: n[W]+n Miss: 1
Ranged: Att: +n vs AC Hit: n[W]+n Miss: 1
Armour Attack Penalty: n
Weapon | Attack | Hit | Miss |
Dagger | + vs AC | 1d8+ | 1 |
Unarmed | + vs AC | 1d3+ | - |
Character Details
One Unique Thing
(Title) - (Description)
Icon Relationships
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- Icon3
Background1 +n
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- Feature3
Background2 +n
- Feature1
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- Feature3
Background3 +n
- Feature1
- Feature2
- Feature3
Background4 +n
- Feature1
- Feature2
- Feature3
Background5 +n
- Feature1
- Feature2
- Feature3
Racial Powers
Bonus Feat - At 1st level, human PCs start with two feats instead of one
Quick to Fight - At the start of each battle, roll initiative twice and choose the result you want
Class Features
Momentum - Many of the rogue’s powers function only when the rogue has momentum. You gain momentum by hitting an enemy with an attack. You lose momentum when you are hit by an attack.
Sneak Attack - Once per round when you make a rogue melee weapon attack against an enemy engaged with one or more of your allies, you can deal extra damage if your attack hits. 1st Level: +1d4 damage.
Trap Sense - If a rogue’s skill check involving a trap is a natural even failure, the rogue can reroll the skill check once. If a trap’s attack roll against a rogue is a natural odd roll, the rogue can force the trap to reroll the attack once.
Talent1 - Talent Description
Talent2 - Talent Description
Talent3 - Talent Description
Feat1 - Feat Description
Feat2 - Feat Description
Powers and Spells
1st Level Powers (4 known)
Other Equipment:
Magic Items: