Stormy Heart
Type: Pegasus
Age: Pony
Main: Dark Blue w/Light Blue Highlights
Fur: Golden Yellow
Cutie Mark: Stormy staring down a Manticore. It's a nested cutie mark, if you look closely you'll see a cutie mark within a cutie mark within a cutie mark!
Special Talent: Fearless
I'm Good At: Helping Other Succeed/Teamwork
I'm Bad At: Staying Focused/Easily Distracted
Special Abilities:
-Weather Control
-Hero Type
Body: 3
Mind: 3
Heart: 4
Friendship: 1
Acrobatics: 4 Specialization: Dodging
Animal Kin: 2
Athletics: 2
Awareness: 2
Diplomacy: 2
Language: Cry (Griffons)
Medicine: 3 Specialization: General Practitioner
Sneaking: 1
XP Spent:
Mind +1 (5xp)
Awareness 2 (4xp)
Athletics 1 (2xp)
Animal Kin 2 (4xp)
Sneaking 1 (2xp)
Language: Cry (2xp)
Unspent XP: 1
Wonderbolt Goggles & Flight Instructor Jacket
Stormy was born and raised in Cloudsdale and was quickly recognized for having an endless supply of courage and never giving into fear. On countless occasions she would dash into dangerous situations just for the thrill of it.
This fearless attitude led her to her cutie mark - one day she was flying through a forest with her friends and they stumbled upon a Manticore. Her friends were paralysed with fear as the monster approached them (presumably to have some philly steaks). Stormy stood up to the beast and entered into a mental battle with it in which she and the monster tried to stare each other down and intimidate each other into submission. Eventually she emerged victorious and the Manticore ran away whimpering like a wounded puppy.
It was this courage that made her an exceptional flier, and after a brief stint as a Wonderbolt she accepted a teaching position where she teaches young ponies and phillies high speed manoeuvring so they don't slam into trees while going full speed through a forest (among other obstacles). While she isn't the fastest flier, she is considered one of the craziest and frequently performs stunts that other ponies wouldn't even think about doing.
But through all this was an undying thirst for adventure. Her battle with the Manticore brought up these urges to go adventuring, see the world, and win even greater challenges. As such, she took an extended leave of absence from her Wonderbolt Instructor position and set out for some adventure.
Stormy is very outgoing and energetic and constantly wants to GO GO GO! She gets very bored when things like reading or research are involved and will usually find something to distract herself as quickly as possible.
At the same time, she tries to be as helpful as she can. Her time spent as an instructor gave her a strong urge to help people succeed and work as a team. She doesn't necessarily want to be the Alpha Pony, rather she wants to make sure everypony can reach their full potential and will do whatever she can to help them.