Aberrant: Triangle Nova Investigations: Traveler's Guide to TNI
A highly informal record of places we've been, people we've seen, and other subjective points of interest.
Jackie Quaid: Director of Biomass Maintenance, Occidental Industries, RTP
Curtis Lafferty: Previous Director of Biomass Maintenance, Occidental Industries, RTP
Daniel Chevalier:Biomass Maintenance Technician, Occidental Industries, RTP
Jonathan Pike: Chief of Security, Occidental Industries, RTP
Utopia Project Center: A campus of the Utopia Project system, located on the former corporate campus of IBM, T.W. Alexander Drive, RTP
Triangle Nova Investigations: An private agency specializing in Nova-related incidents that need delicacy and discretion in their resolution.
Occidental Industries: One of two companies possessing the biomass required to produce U-Fiber and OpNet equipment.
Being all the other details of the Triangle we encounter.
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