Delilah House Rules

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Helping Another

If you are helping a person perform an action against some difficulty. Step Down the Difficulty of the action, and roll against it with an appropriate dice pool of your own. If you succeed, add the die that rolled highest (not the biggest die) to the dice pool of the person whom you are helping. If you fail, add the die that rolled lowest, as a complication. If you had an extraordinary success, add your two highest rolling dice to the person's die pool (and get the Big Damn Hero Die).

Ex. Rachel is trying to navigate a space minefield. Vikki is trying to help her navigate.
The Stakes are Set Difficulty Hard D10 + Minefield D8. Vikki rolls against a stepped down Difficulty Challenging D8 + Minefield D8 (using Systems d4 + Operate D8), if she succeeds, she adds a highest rolling die to Rachel's Dice Pool, If she has an Extraordinary Success she adds the top two two dice. If she fails, she adds a complication to the roll of her lowest rolling dice. A botch means she blows it, and not even Rachel can get them out of there.

Alternative Help Rule

Simply add one of your appropriate dice to the other person's pool. This makes you vulnerable to jinxes, being taken out, and complications though.
Ex. Val and Vikki are looking for lost Keys.
Difficulty D8 + Keys D6 + Clutter D6 vs Val's Mental D8 + Val's Notice D10 + Vikki's Mental D8


If you Fail an action that doesn't Take You Out, you can in general try again. but the Die is Stepped Up.

  • Step Up difficulty or complication, and roll again.
  • If Stepping Up will result in it going above D12, the task becomes impossible (by that means).
  • In the case of Timed Actions, each retry takes another beat.

RP: Callbacks

Players who write posts to the wiki, add details to the Verse (art, descriptions, NPCs, etc) or otherwise contribute to the game outside their regular participation, get a special card they can use during the next session. These work exactly like Plot Points except they must be justified/linked to something from the contribution from which they arose. It might Invoke a character's memory, draw on a feeling, use knowledge gained, etc.. If it is something other than a story, the Callback should be related: maybe creating an asset related to the thing, using knowledge, or skills similar.
Alternatively, these can be used as Complications (d6). When a player opts to use a Callback as a complication, she gets a Plot Point.

Ex. Poco has a "Betrayed" Callback from his Origin story.
As the crew try to get the ship into the black fleeing the Triad. He thinks that he too betrayed the crew by leading the Triad to the ship where innocent Freddie was gunned down.

  1. As he works to get the engines working he can: Use it like a Plot Point to add another die from his pool to his Fix roll, because his shame of betraying someone has given him the resolve to help the others.
  2. OR. He could take the Callback as a Complication (d6) on his Fix roll and earn a Plot Point, because he is distracted by his conflicting feelings of being the betrayer, the image of the innocent Freddie's death playing in his mind as he works on the Engines.

If not used by the end of the episode they are lost.
