MHR A New Dawn/Characters/Striker

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A Character in MHR A New Dawn, played by Stattick


Daniel (don't ever call him Danny), grew up as the son of the Scorpion. Or maybe it was grandson. Daniel's not quite sure. He got different stories from his "father" at different times, and even different stories from people his father was associated with.

Daniel and Scorpion bounced around from place to place a bit, but most of the time, Daniel spent much of his time in a lab. They always seemed to be fiddling with him - drawing blood samples, giving him injections or exposing him to energy, trying to keep him "stablized". It was probably for the best, really. Scorpion is a psycho, and unhinged is about as best as he gets. What time Daniel spent out of a lab was either in some hellhole tenement Scorpion was living in, or someplace with some serious swag. It was never in-between. It all depended on whether Scorpion was working, who he was working for, or whether he'd recently hit a big score.

Daniel grew up around psychopaths and killers... Kingpin was once his godfather, The Goblin King once claimed to be his adopted grandfather, Uncle Red Skull always had candy for him, and so forth. He spent more time around the Osbornes than anyone else, but naturally, Scorpion never stayed in one place for for more than a couple of years.

As Daniel grew up, he didn't so much have a formal education, but did spend a lot of time around scientists, doctors, and technicians; a bright child, he asked lots of piercing questions, and probably made quite a pest of himself. As often as not, they'd get him to read a one of the reference books around the lab, just to get him out of their hair. And of course, his "adopted relations" always kept him on a vigorous physical training routine.

Once Daniel came of age, Scorpion expected him to put some of that knowledge to use, and Daniel had to start maintaining, repairing, and sometimes modifying his father's armor. Daniel too, soon had to turn to technology to maintain the stability of his own genetic structure - it was starting to degrade and mutate much like his father's was prone to.

After working as an Oscorp tech for a couple of years, Daniel seemed to have settled into a decent enough life - don't anger the managers, especially any with the last name of Osborne or first name with Goblin in it, and they'll pay you enough to get by on. Daniel was even liked enough to be given a (low tech) glider, to make it so he could get to work faster if one of the managers snapped their fingers and wanted him in during his off-time. Daniel was working on a black project in another dimension, accessed through Oscorp's dimensional transporter. And then, his "father", Scorpion showed up. There was a big fight... Scorpion killed most of the techs, and demanded that Daniel hand over copies of all the research. Scorpion was resigning from Oscorp. Again. And he'd had a good offer from Red Skull that included turning over the files on certain black projects that Oscorp was working on.

Caught between the psycho in front of him, and the pack of psychos with their demon army if he betrayed their trust, Daniel turned on his father. Scorpion vs Scorpion. It was epic. Cathartic. They brought the building down around them. Literally.

After the dust settled, The original Scorpion seemed entirely buried in a collapsed area, and Daniel was pulling himself around with his arms, because it seemed that he'd broken his back just above the pelvis.

There was no help coming, as far as Daniel knew. Black lab in some unknown dimension, far underground... power offline, teleporter not working. Daniel got the power plant running again, got part of the grid restored, and to work. First he took an off the shelf crawler chassis designed as the base portion for a robot or weapons platform, and figured out how to wire it into his own nervous system. It was the only thing he had around - no cyber humanoid legs. He programmed the autodoc, went in, and went under the anesthesia as the laser scalpel warmed up. He woke up a cyborg.

His mobility restored, he spent the next few days working on the teleportation system until he could finally 'port home. Not knowing if the Goblins would believe him, or whether they'd blame him for the destruction, he never returned to work. He just went on the run. And all in all, he's decided that there's things worse than death and worse than being crippled. He was never really a bad guy he just worked for them. But now he's doing his best not to make that mistake again. He's trying to figure out who his is, you know, that whole "self discover" stuff that people talk about. Also, he really wants to know if Scorpion really his is father, grandfather, or what. Maybe Daniel's a clone? Well... probably not, he doesn't really look much like Scorpion. Does Daniel have other family out there somewhere, family that aren't a bunch of psycho-killers?