Microscope RPG--The Mural of Lu the Fatherless: Event: The Destroyer Corrupts the Gods of the Jade Court
Event: The Destroyer Corrupts the Gods of the Jade Court
Timeline Location: In the Beginning Bookend Period, after The Dawn of the Beastmen
Tone: Dark
The Destroyer--who then went by the name of Nasumi--was once an honored member of the Gods of the Jade Court, uncle to the Emperor Hodoshi, who ruled over the Jade Court gods. As such, he had the ear of Hodoshi and the other Jade Court Gods. When Nasumi first fell and became the Destroyer, the other gods did not know it. The Destroyer took advantage of this trust to goad the Jade Court Gods into following a path that would lead to misery and destruction across the world.
As other pantheons created races of their own, the Jade Court Gods were debating how they should react. How like or unlike were these other races to humanity? Should they be allowed to follow their own path, set out by the gods who created them? Or should the Followers of Lu the Fatherless evangelize them, seeking them to convert them as they did humans and bring them under the Reign of Virtue, as defined by the Jade Court Gods.
The Destroyer sensed the fear and envy in the hearts of the Jade Court Gods as they debated what to do with these creations of the other gods and he decided to manipulate that for his own ends. He argued that the Beastmen could not be brought under the Reign of Virtue, not because they had their own paths, but because they were innately tainted creatures. The other pantheons did not have the wisdom and justice of the Gods of the Jade Court and their creations were inevitably going to be lesser beings, incapable of achieving the levels of virtue of humanity. Further, they would always remain a threat to humanity, being willing to make war, unconstrained by virtue and the rules of proper conduct of war. The Destroyer argued that if the Jade Court Gods wanted to protect humanity and the Reign of Virtue, they must bring the Beastmen to heel.
The Jade Court Gods found this persuasive and they ordered the Followers of Lu the Fatherless to enslave the Beastmen, telling them that these were lesser beings, inherently sinful, who needed virtuous humans to guide them. Given such guidance, they might be reborn as humans, able to live true lives of virtue. But, as the Beastmen resisted, the Followers of Lu the Fatherless grew frustrated and began massacring villages of the Beastmen. The Destroyer urged the Jade Court Gods to sanction these massacres--and eventually the Jade Court Gods came to adopt a policy of enslavement or genocide for the Beastmen.