MHR A New Dawn/Characters/Hudson

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A Character in MHR A New Dawn, played by blackthought



Solo D10 / Buddy D6 / Team D8


  • Creature of Science and Magic
  • Recycled by Super-Villains
  • He Fights Like He’s Possessed!


Techno Golem

Godlike Durability D12 / Enhanced Stamina D8 / Superhuman Strength D10 / Leaping D8

  • SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add D6 to your pool and keep +1 effect die.
  • SFX: Haymaker. Double Strength for an action, then add second highest rolling die from that action to the Doom Pool.
  • SFX: Energy Convertor. On a successful reaction against an energy-based attack, convert your opponent’s effect die into a Techno Golem stunt or step up a Techno Golem power until the next Transition Scene. If your opponent’s action succeeds, spend 1 PP to use this SFX.
  • SFX: Hellfire Radiation. On a successful reaction against a physical attack, inflict physical stress with your effect die at no PP cost or step up +1 for 1 PP.
  • SFX: Self-Healing. Step back a Techno-Golem power to recover physical stress or trauma. Recover the power during a Transition scene.
  • LIMIT: Existential Doubt. Earn 1 PP and step up emotional stress caused by existential doubt or self worth by +1
  • LIMIT: Power Outage. Lose consciousness vs. effects that disrupt magic or technology and gain 1 PP. Recover by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.


Combat Expert D8 / Tech Expert D8 / Mystic Expert D8 / Menace Expert D8


Psychic Archaeology

  • 1 XP when you first find out that your body was the Thing’s.
  • 5 XP when you trust a scientifically or magically minded friend to help you discover who you really are.
  • 10 XP when you come to believe you’re actually Ben Grimm or Hudson, an entirely new creature.

The Heart of a Prince

  • 1 XP when you first use your powers to give a support asset to an ally.
  • 3 XP when you either take trauma to save a non-combatant or convince an opponent to attack you rather than a non-combatant.
  • 10 XP when you either sacrifice yourself for your allies or fight until you’re the last to fall.


Exactly like the Thing in form, but marbled with darker rock. Modified Hebrew letters/runes dot the body in key locations (e.g. the forehead, shoulders, biceps, chest, hamstrings). They glow a strange radioactive green, bleeding green Kirby dots, powered by a miniature fusion reactor embedded deep in the chest. Unlike Ben Grimm, Hudson’s eyes are a glowing green.


Everyone thought the Thing would last forever. He didn't seem to age, and he was always the toughest one around (he was from Yancy Steet, after all). It was surprising to those that knew him well that he was among the first to die.

Dr. Doom regretted that he was not the one to end the Thing, but his death was an opportunity Doom could not pass up. A fleet of Doombots trolled the bottom of the Hudson river and unearthed the rocky corpse, already intermingled with rocky sediment. His kingdom already destroyed, Doom brought the body back to the lair that he shared through an uneasy alliance with the Red Skull: A series of sub-basements formerly used by Dr. Reinstein, the creator of the Super Soldier serum, and the various scientists of the Manhattan Project.

Together, Doom and the Skull collaborated on what they had hoped would be a weapon that would turn the tide in their favor. Their very own super soldier. A golem formed from the rocky corpse of Ben Grimm, a Jew. The Red Skull contributed a highly functioning but miniaturized fusion reactor, along with his unrivaled knowledge of the human psyche. Doom contributed used his knowledge of the rarely trodden pathways between magic and technology to mark the body with runes in key locations and hardwire an energy convertor hardwired directly to the runes. Their collaboration proved problematic for them. Hudson’s glowing green eyes first opened as he awoke in a berserk rage, emerging from the lair in a destructive frenzy.

It was here that Hudson's wanderings first began.


With the body of the Thing, Hudson borders on invulnerable.

The power for Hudson’s strength, movement, and consciousness stems from a unique UNI-DIRECTIONAL (TECH to ARCANA) ENERGY CONVERTOR with DEFAULT FUSION REACTOR (MINIATURIZED). Energy from our plane of existence comes in; arcane energy comes out. This device is hardwired to runes that dot Hudson’s body, facilitating both physical and mental ability. This device also includes a fusion reactor that provides a default level of power when no external energy source is present.

The energy convertor can absorb external energy as well. Standard forms of energy can be converted and channeled as a boost to various runes on Hudson’s body. This energy can also be used to heal Hudson’s body.

Because Hudson’s runes have been carved by occult-minded super-villains and are powered by a fusion reactor, they emit what is essentially hellfire radiation. A form of radiation that is naturally found only in the deepest of arcane planes.