Fate the Awakening

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Default Rules

  • Where not otherwise mentioned, everything not having to do with magic follows Fate Core rules.
  • Where not otherwise mentioned, everything having to do with magic follows Mage: the Awakening rules.

Skill List

bold-faced skills affect stress tracks

Academics, Athletics, Composure, Contacts, Crafts, Deceive, Drive, Empathy, Endurance, Fight, Intimidate, Investigate, Larceny, Medicine, Might, Notice, Occult, Presence, Rapport, Resolve, Resources, Science, Shoot, Stealth, Survival

The ten Arcana are also skills. Gnosis is treated separately.

Starting skills use the pyramid; the highest skill is Superb (+5), so the total number of skill points is 35.


Most Merits (such as Hallow, Sanctum, Order Status, etc.) are represented with aspects. To facilitate this, characters have two extra aspects, for a total of seven.

A mage's High Concept aspect must mention their Path.


Starting Gnosis is 1. Each additional point of Gnosis costs 1 refresh (not a stunt). However, Gnosis is rated on a 1-5 scale, not a 1-10 scale as in Mage: the Awakening.

Gnosis determines the length of a character's Mana stress track; see Stress Tracks. It does not limit how much Mana a character can spend in a turn, as that is a meaningless concept here.

Characters with Gnosis 4 decrease the passive difficulty of other characters' scrutiny of their (or their spells') Resonance by 2; characters with Gnosis 5 decrease it by 4.

Gnosis caps a character's Arcana skill ratings as follows:
1 Gnosis = four Good (+3), three Fair (+2), three Average (+1)
2 Gnosis = one Superb (+5), two Great (+4), three Good (+3), three Fair (+2), one Average (+1)
3 Gnosis = three Superb (+5), two Great (+4), three Good (+3), two Fair (+2)
4+ Gnosis = five Superb (+5), two Great (+4), three Good (+3)

Characters with Gnosis of 4 or 5 may attempt an Imperial Seeking to gain Archmastery.

No other effects of Gnosis from the Mage: the Awakening book apply.

Stress Tracks

Physical stress is handled exactly as in Fate Core, except that the length of the track is controlled by the Endurance skill. Mental stress is handled analogously, using the Resolve skill; Social stress uses the Composure skill.

Mana is handled as a fourth stress track, with (Gnosis + 3) boxes and no ability to take consequences. Mana stress does not clear normally; instead, a character may clear their highest checked Mana stress box by performing an oblation (at a Hallow or according to a Legacy) or by taking a Physical consequence.


Legacies are stunts

specify what the skills do where the list differs from Fate Core

do rotes exist?

extended casting

Paradox (!!!)