WTNewWorldOrder:Player Characters:Peregrine's History

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Agent Gabriel started as an ordinary American soldier serving in the long running wars in Afghanistan and Iraq prior to Zenita's fall. After the close of the Anomaly Peregrine, like many others, began to display extraordinary powers, including super speed and flight, after which he was seconded over to theUnited Nations Extranormal Taskforce. UNET gave Gabriel the MK 42 "Peregrine" flight harness, which he uses primarily as a melee weapon, leading to his code name.

In the wake of the Mekaniak's attack on the London Olympics Peregrine is assigned to act as lead agent and discreet monitor of the captured thief and new recruit Gil Berger, L'Grenouille. Peregrine instead embraces Half-Life as his partner, even bending enough to make use of Berger's underworld contacts in service to the mission. The pair, on orders of Western Europe UNET Director Major Sun Jeong, has been seconded to Project Torchwood for the duration of the Sons of Mithras and Englund investigations.