
Sayama: Towered Sayama is the still radiant but wicked capital of Sayama Province, the seat of the rebel governor Tarko. In the civil war that followed the death of King Osric of Zamora, Governor Tarko declared Sayama independent of royal control. He has sided with General Shek, a native feudal potentate and general who wishes to force his marriage to Osric's daughter, the Princess, and rule as her King. Governor Tarko permits his lands to be occupied by Shek’s soldiers, but maintains companies of expensive Argosean mercenaries, knowing that in their absence his lands might well be seized by Shek or his minions directly.
Jorica: the wealthy town of Jorica is the administrative hub of the district of South Sayama. The district magistrate , Zog, is a drinking companion of Governor Tarko and often tarries with him in Sayama City. To run his assigned district effectively, he has made an alliance with the Argosean mercenaries barracked in the town, the infamous Band of Pythos. Raising taxes in remote villages to unpayable levels, the judge is carrying out a scheme to enslave debtors and put them to work on his own estate.
Betzken: the band's home village. An insignificant hamlet.
The ruins: The road through the ruins is the old Zeth Province high road.The province has been in decline for the last century, as the grand Aquifers of Zeth, built of old by King Balkasa the Architect, have failed and run dry. By the time of the reign of King Osric the land had already fallen into ruin. Now it is ruled by none but the demons of the desert. Grand ruins litter the banks of dusty canals. Only isolated settlements remain where once great metropoli stood-the desert has reclaimed the green pastures of old. As the song runs:
"Now in the towers of High Farak, the owl sounds. Jackals have seized the lampless streets."
City of Thieves: Now a free city, threatened by General Shek but protected by fierce urban levies and even the infamous Guild of Slayers.
Shadizar The great city is controlled by Osric's daughter, the Princess, who seeks to gain sway over her father's whole kingdom. Zamoran generals like Shek and local governors continue to hold sway outside of the Shadizah hinterland.