Dakon Nain

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Dakon Nain, a bastard son of Wardon Kain.

Character Sheet

Race: Human
Class: Wizard Transmuter 2/Master Specialist 7
BAB: +4
NADS: Fort +3 Ref +5 Will +9


St 10, Dx 14, Cn 13
In 20, Ws 12, Ch 16


Concentration 12/+13 Knowledge Arcana 12/+17 Knowledge Nobility 12/+17 Spellcraft 12/+21 Bluff 6/+9 Diplomacy 6/+13 Intimidate 6/+11 Knowledge The Planes 12/+17


Precocious Apprentice (Gain a bonus 2nd level Spell and spell slot at 1st level, +2 Spellcraft), Spell Focus Transmutation, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration Improved Familiar (Blink Capybara) , Skill Focus Spellcraft ^, Clutch of Earth^ (As long as you have a Earth spell of 2nd level or higher memorized, you can cause 1 creature within 30’ to make a Fortitude save or be slowed by 5’ per memorized spell level for 9 rounds. If target makes its save, it cannot be affected again for 24 hours. You are +1 CL on Earth spells) Greater Spell Focus Transmutation^, Scribe Scroll^, Brew Potion^


  • Focused Specialist: Must be specialist. Lose 1 spell slot per spell level, gain 2 additional specialist slots. 3 prohibited schools
  • Specialist: Transmuter. Prohibited schools: Evocation, Conjuration, Illusion.
  • Skill focus (Spellcraft)
  • Expanded Spellbook Add 2nd and 4th level spell to book
  • Greater Spell Focus Transmutation
  • Minor School Esoterica: Transmutation spells lasts 1 round after being dispelled
  • +1 CL for transmutation spells
  • Moderate School Esoterica You may reroll a failed Fortitude save vs. Transmutation spells.


Spells Per Day

0th 4 1st 5+3 2nd 5+3 3rd 3+3 4th 2+3 5th 1+3

Spell book

  • 0th: all
  • 1st: (14+3) Animate Rope*, Enlarge Person*, Erase*, Expeditious Retreat*, Feather Fall*, Jump*, Magic Weapon*, Reduce Person*, Alarm, Endure Elements, Protection from Evil, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Sleep, Charm Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Greater Mage Hand (40 lb. Limit)*
  • 2nd: (9+3) Darkvision*, Spider Climb*, Alter Self*, Earthbind* (Target can’t fly), Heroics* (Target gains Fighter feat, must meet prereqs., lasts 90 mins.), Protection from Arrows, See Invisible, Touch of Idiocy, False Life, Spectral Hand, Blindness/Deafness, Bull’s Strength*, Eagle’s Splendor*, Cat’s Grace*
  • 3rd: (8+3) Blink*, Slow*, Haste*, Water Breathing*, Dispel Magic, Tongues, Heroism, Suggestion, Primal Form* (Become medium elemental of one of the 4 types. Gain its physical stats and abilities. Belongings meld and become useless), Dolorous Blow* (double threat range, automatically confirms, 9 minutes), Protection from Energy
  • 4th: (7+3) Polymorph*, Voice of the Dragon* (+10 Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, can use one suggestion which then ends spell. Lasts 90 mins.), Mass Reduce Person*, Bestow Curse, Charm Monster, Scrying, Detect Scrying, Stoneskin, Remove Curse, Fear, Mass Enlarge Person*
  • 5th: (6+3) Baleful Polymorph*, Passwall*, Transmute Rock to Mud*, Mass Suggestion, Dismissal, Feeblemind, Vulnerability (Reduces damage reduction)*, Contact Other Plane, Telekinesis*

* indicates a Transmutation spell


Weapons and Armor

  • Collar of healing (Know HP total and conditions of animal or familiar. Heal 50 hp 1/day and banish fatigue and exhaustion.)
  • Lesser rod of empower metamagic
  • Minor cloak of Displacement
  • Ring of Counterspells (Feeblemind)
  • Robe of Arcane Might [transmutation] (+4 AC; +1 CL for transmutation spells)
  • Pearl of Power 3rd