Belle g’p Phrood

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Belle g’p Phrood's mother was sold to an orge tribe She gave birth to four half-orges kind before her body gave out. Belle's older sister came too late to liberate Belle, but she slew all the tribe. She trained Belle. Belle's sister could not stop her from swearing an oath to kill Wardon Kain. When Belle swore upon an altar of Daroomil, the god of fate, it made it a real thing, a self-inflicted quest.

Character Sheet

Race: Half-Ogre
Class: Fighter 9
BAB: +9/+6/+3
NADS: Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +4


St 26, Dx 14, Cn 16
In 8, Ws 12, Ch 11


Intimidate 12/+12


Exotic Weapon Proficiency Fullblade, Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Improved Critical Fullblade, Improved Bull’s Rush, Knockback (*When you hit while using Power Attack you can make a free bull rush attempt against the foe you hit, applying the Power Attack number as a bonus on the opposed Strength check. If you hit with a two-handed weapon, you can apply double that number on the check. Knockback attempts don't provoke attacks of opportunity from the foe, and you don't move with the enemy.) Close-Quarters Fighting (You can make an attack of opportunity when someone tries to grapple you, provided that you are nor flat-footed or already grappled, even if the attacker has the improved grab ability.

Any damage you deal with your attack of opportunity applies as a bonus to the ensuing grapple check you make to avoid becoming grappled. This feat does not grant you an additional attack of opportunity in a round, so the feat does not help you if you have no attacks of opportunity available.)

Lesser Pact of Dahlver-nar: Immune to wisdom damage and drain, madness, insanity and confusion. Roll 11+ every day. If you fail, seven teeth grown from your scalp (easily hidden), and you find it distasteful to do a task that goes for more than one consecutive minute (-1 to all actions until another, different action is taken)


  • +6 St, -2 Dx, +2 Cn, -2 In, -2 Ch
  • Giant
  • Large Creature
  • Land Speed 30’
  • Darkvision 60’
  • Natural Armor +4
  • Languages: Giant, Common
  • Flaws: Illiterate, Giant Speed (-4 Initiative)


Weapons and Armor

  • +1 Fullblade of Collision +5 damage
  • +2 Dragonhide of Mindarmor (Full plate, +5 Will 3/day)
  • Cloak of the Manta Ray
  • Ring of Feather Falling
  • Deathstrike Bracers (cause crit damage to foe that can’t be critted 3/day)
