Firefly Distinctions
Casino Floor Manager
Val has years of experience managing chaos, spotting potential cheaters or other trouble makers in a crowd, and heading off trouble before it happens. He is also a student of the human condition as people from all walks come before him in times of crisis. He is familiar with both legitimate and less lawful industries as both are essential to the trade.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Notice, Treat
- Get a plot point when you use a D4 instead of a D8.
- Eye for Trouble: When you observe a crowd, step up or double Notice to catch someone up to no good. Spend 1 PP to do both.
- Eye of the Storm: In a chaotic situation, Step Up or Double your Focus Die. Spend a PP to do both.
Dysfunctional Family Ties
How can family be so important to a man abandoned by his father, and responsible for his adult mother? He must cope with his issues of loss, his fantasies of his absent father, the long history of his father's travels as well as his resentful and gambling addicted mother. Still, his father's name opens up opportunities, and his mother's needs inspires a strong will.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Labor, Survive
- Get a plot point when you use a D4 instead of a D8
- Quick's Debt: Give yourself a plot point when you take on a complication as a result of your family's past actions.
- Quick's Favors: When you create an Asset by calling on an old friend or associate of your family, step it up.
Cool Under Pressure
The Casino Floor appears to most people like a cacophonous maelstrom. To you, it is a complex, but predictable machine. It must be to make a profit. Your senses are honed to spot the unusual, and filter out the noise.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, notice, shoot
- Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
- Got It in One: Spend 1 PP to roll your Focus and add it to your total.
- Sea of Calm: Spend 1 PP to use a Complication as an Asset for one Action; step up the Complication afterward.
Veteran Doctor
War is hell they say. And doctors are the angels of mercy. Working in military hospitals, among servicemen of both side, and around the distractions of war has give you both specialized knowledge, and the resources to deal with the unexpected. However flashbacks and the call duty sometimes interfere with daily life.
Highlighted Skills: Shoot, Knowledge, Treat
- Get a Plot Point when you use a D4 instead of a D8
- Buying Time: Spend a Plot Point on a person who is Taken Out by Wounds to step it back to a d10 complication for the duration of the scene, however double that complication when later treatment is administered.
- Less than Ideal Circumstances: Step back any complications to a Treat roll based on distractions, lack of equipment, hygiene, or similar problems.
Fallen From Grace
Those who color outside the lines are often made scapegoats, and this has fallen on you. Due to your controversial actions at Vandenburg and following your conscience, life has become more difficult for you among the Alliance. However, this has made you something of a minor celebrity among those in the know with more Independent minds. You know you are being watched and have developed your alertness (sometimes to the point of paranoia) as a result.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence, Notice
- Get a Plot Point when you use a D4 instead of a D8
- Do I Know You?: Your actions during the war saved many people's lives at Vandenburg. Spend 1 PP to gain a d6 Morale Boost Asset from an unexpected supporter.
- Court of Public Opinion: While not convicted of any crime, you are watched and reviled by the media. Get a Plot Point when you get a complication arising from Fed personnel's or aligned people's belief in the accusations of treason against the Alliance.
Seeking Atonement
You are plagued by doubts resulting from your role in the war. You became a doctor to help humanity. You became a soldier to unite a people. Both of those seemed to have failed. Now you seek to make up for things you had little control over.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence, Treat
- Get a Plot Point when you use a D4 instead of a D8
- Nightmares: Start every Episode with an Exhausted d6 Complication. Step it up to reroll the dice on an Action. Once it exceeds d12, you are out until given medical treatment.
- Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat: Spend 1 PP to add your labor to your next roll in addition to any other Skill you are using.
You make things. You're an inventor who sees solutions to every problem. Sometimes you solutions are more problematic than the problem, but you can't help yourself.
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Fix, Operate
- Get a Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8
- Genius Inventor: Spend 1 PP to create a d8 Asset when you fiddle with existing equipment for that scene.
- Miracle Worker: If you replace your Fix Skill with a d4 for your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill’s normal die rating if your roll is successful.
Highly Educated
You went to a fine Core University and had the luxury to take classes in a variety of subjects in addition to your major. It wasn't easy, but you excelled and were near the top of your class. On occasion that knowledge is actually useful.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Know, Operate
- Get a Plot Point when you use a D4 instead of a D8
- Trivial Pursuits: When you spend a plot point to create an Asset related to some class you took, step it up.
- Burning the Midnight Oil: Step back any and all complications related to exhaustion, distraction or emotions when working on any Mental Roll.
Naïve Idealist
If your heart is pure, and you do your best you will, eventually, succeed. So has been your experience. Minor setbacks don't bother you, and your optimism can be infectious. It can also sometimes get you into trouble.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence, Treat
- Get a Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8
- If at first you don't succeed...: Spend a Plot Point to reroll when you fail to raise the stakes, take on a complication frustrated equal to the highest die you faced.
- Lighthearted: Spend 1 PP to make light of a situation and step back a Crewmember’s Complication on account of your positive outlook.
Experienced Pilot
A person can learn to fly in an matter of months. But it takes years to become a pro. You've been flying for decades. You know how to fly pretty much anything. You know the back routes, the best ports in a storm, and how to avoid dangers be they pirates, reavers or Feds.
Highlighted Skills: Fly, Focus, Operate
- Get a Plot Point when you use a D4 instead of a D8.
- Honed Behind the Wheel: Spend 1 PP to step up or double your ship’s engines Attribute for your next roll.
- Watch This: Create or Step Up a D8 complication on another ship either in pursuit or evading you. Create a complication D6 complication for yourself.
Seen it All
You've been around the 'Verse more than once. It takes a lot to catch you off guard, and you've got the scars to prove it. Still age has a way of catching up with you, sometimes the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Highlighted Skills: Fly, Focus, Know
- Get a Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8
- You old rascal:Step up an Asset to D8 in the form of an acquaintance, friend, or lover from your past.
- I'm too old for this." Gain 1 PP when you step back your physical or mental die for a scene as an old injury acts up or your memory clouds up.
Still Flyin
Life on the edge of space can be hard. But you are a survivor. You've developed a sense of pragmatism that keeps you sane despite all the craziness you deal with. Of course, sometimes your grit might make you accept risks you ought not.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence, Survive
- Get a Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8
- I've had worse: Spend a Plot Point to turn a Complication into an Asset for one Action; Step Up the complication afterward.
- Coping Mechanism: If you have a Complication at a d10 or higher, you may add your Focus to any roll made to avoid being Taken Out.
Career Criminal
Poco started his life in crime about the same time he started life. When all you know is crime, it comes easy, well as easy that may be .
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Shoot, Trick
- Get a Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8
- Friends in Low Places: When you create an Asset based on a seedy contact or underworld connection, step it up.
- Hard habit to break: When you make a deal 'outside the law' spend a plot point to create a stepped up asset related to the deal. Or, take on a complication related to the criminal activity and get a plot point.
Intuitive Mechanic
Unlike a person, you can trust a machine. Even a broken down, piece of junk will tell you what you need to know. They just have a way of telling you how they work, whether they're any good or not. You just need to listen. Some folk listen better than others.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Notice, Operate
- Get a Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8
- Fits like a glove: Step up your FiX die when you use a part that you took from a ship without the owner’s knowledge.
- Faster would be better: Step back your FIX skill during a timed action and only advance the Time Die if you fail.
- Talk to me Baby: When you encounter a mechanical failure for the first time, you may attempt to intuit the root cause with a Mental + Notice Action. Create a Here's Your Problem d8 Asset if you succeed or take a Stumped d8 Complication if you fail.
Burned Too Many Times
Poco has learned an important lesson about trust. Don't do it. But always being on the look out has its advantages.
HIghlighted Skills: Notice, Sneak, Survive
- Get a Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of D8
- Panic Mode: Step up or double your Physical die for one Action. After the roll, create or step up the Complication 'Panicked'
- Looking Out For Number One: Reroll all dice in a roll. On the reroll, all dice that roll 1s or 2s are considered Complications.