The Mysteries
The Mysteries is a DungeonWorld campaign set in Thalassa, a world inspired by Greek mythology. The player characters are a group of adventurers attempting to bring civilization back to the once-cursed land of Minatos.

Campaign Set-Up
Once, not too long ago, a man named Agon coveted his elder brother’s crown, so he murdered his brother, and declared himself King of Minatos. Safe on his throne, Agon still worried, for his brother’s daughter yet lived as a priestess of Karameter. King Agon demanded the temple of Karameter hand over the woman so she could never threaten his reign by having a child. When the priestesses refused, he barred the doors of the temple shut and ordered it set aflame.
The goddess was enraged at the deaths of her daughters and so cursed Agon, his people, and the land of Minatos. For every priestess that died, Minatos would know a year without the gifts of Karameter.
And so it was that the fields of Minatos went barren. No fruit grew in the orchards or on the vine, no grain sprang from the earth. And so it was that the beasts of the field went barren. The cow gave no milk, the chicken no eggs, and no calf, no lamb, chick, piglet, or foal was born. So great was Karameter's anger that the earth itself split up and from it came great poisonous serpents and other monsters to vex the people.
For 112 years, the curse lasted. This year, it broke.
In the spot where once the temple of Karameter stood, a peach tree has grown and is now heavy with fruit. The old state of Minatos is no more and now the three city-states closest to it - Kalogis, Arcadia, and Halkuon – rush to claim the fertile land.
This has proven difficult; the wilderness has consumed reclaimed most of the land, and the monsters that the earth vomited up will not simply return to their slumbers.
What Minatos needs is heroes.