The Prax Adventure Resource Page
Cash and Gems
- 500 Silvers in research, training and magic item identification from the Lhankor Mhy Temple. Held by Jaroltor.
- Swimming training (Ingilli family, New Pavis). Part of contract.
Favors Owed
- Sa'ah in Corflu - Zola Fel spirit magic training.
- Suharo in Pavis - Lhankor Mhy Skill training, undefined amount.
Trade Goods
Magic Items and Sundry Loot
- Jrusteli bauble, carried by Suharo, unidentified.
- Calendar Device, heavy box of unknown powers. Hidden and trapped on Ogre Island.
- Marble lanyard token, carried by Dastandri. Lunar origin, Silence 2 matrix.
- Gold shield strap, carried by Merynn. Sun Dome County origin, Lantern matrix. The name on it is one of Lady Vega's personal guards/companions.
- Magic Crystal #1: 20 MP storage device.
Social Ties
- Ingilli family, lifetime connections and acceptance.
- Zola Fel Cult, lifetime connections and acceptance.
- Main Page: The Prax Adventure