Rogue Trader Giovanni Arcadion Metis da Solo

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Revision as of 17:29, 27 October 2014 by (talk) (Stats)
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WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel Wounds Fate Points Insanity Points Corruption
(5)4 (3)3 [12] (4)1 (4)0 (3)0 (3)1 (3)0 (3)3 (5)2 12 4 3 8


Command +10 (FE), Commerce (FE), Charm (FE), Inquiry (FE)

Common Lore (the Imperium) (IN), Forbidden Lore (the Warp) (IN), Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) (IN), Speak Language (Low Gothic, High Gothic) (IN), Evaluate (IN), Literacy (IN)

Awareness (PE)


Air of Authority: On a successful Command Test, affect 1d10+FE Bonus NPCs
Ambidextrous: No penalty for using his off-hand (200 xp)
Dark Soul: Half the normal penalty vs Malignancy
Decadence Fail (TG Bonus x2) TG Tests before passing out; +10 resisting addiction
Frenzy: +10 WS, ST, TG, WP; -20 BS, IN; must attack nearest enemy in melee combat; immune to Fear, Pinning, stunning, Fatigue; may not Parry, Flee, retreat; must use All-Out Attack if possible
Flagellant: Must spend 20 mins praying every day and suffer 1 point of self-inflicted damage; +10 to WP vs Malignancy; Frenzy as a Free Action
Melee Weapon Training (Universal): Use Chain, Shock, Power weapons
Paranoia: +2 to Init; GM may secretly Test Perception to notice hidden threats
Peer (Nobility, Military): +10 to Interaction Skill Tests with
Pistol Weapon Training (Universal): Use Bolt, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, SP pistols
Talented (Command): +10 to skill


Exceptional Leader: 1/round as a free action, Giovanni can add a +10 bonus to any Test made by a visible ally within earshot.
Lord-Captain: During Starship Combat, he can grant this ability to any character aboard his ship for the duration of that Strategic Turn.
Etiquette: +10 to Interaction Tests when dealing with high authority or in formal situations.
Vendetta: He has enemies...
Unnatural Strength (x2): from BC synthetic muscle grafts; triple STR Bonus; add multiplier as DoS to opposed STR checks


Weapons and Upgrades

Common Craftsmanship 'Sacristan' bolt pistol: 30m; S/2/-; 1d10+6 X; Pen 4; 10 rds mag; Full round reload; Tearing, Reliable; -10 to BS Tests unless the wielder has SB >3
Common Craftsmanship power-sword: 1d10+5 E; Pen 5; Power Field, Balanced

Armor and Clothing

Best Craftsmanship enforcer light carapace: All locations; 6 AP; 7.5kg
Good Craftsmanship Rosarius: Protection Rating 45, +10 to Interaction tests with anyone who understands its significance to the Ecclesiarchy
Fine clothing: I bring the bling
Xeno-pelt cloak: Cut to trim the collar of my Guard-issue greatcoat


Best Craftsmanship synthetic muscle: Unnatural Strength (x2); -10 Agility Tests

Tools and Consumables

XP gain and expenditure

650 XP from defeating the pirate captain John Sterro
200xp - Talent: Ambidextrous
100xp - Simple Advance: Weapon Skill
250xp - Intermediate Advance: Weapon Skill
100xp - Simple Advance: Fellowship