Wang Dihao
Horse Captain Wang Dihao
- General 4, Move 90’, AC 6, HD 4d8, hp 52, Att 5+/8+, Saves: Wood 9+, Fire 13+, Earth 17+, Metal 14+, Water 13+, Init +0
- Dmg:
- Str +3, Con +3, Wis -2 Cha +2
- Proficiencies: Command, Intimidate, Leadership, Manual of Arms (Cavalry), Military Strategy, Riding, Endurance
- Weapon Masteries: Skilled: (Horsebow, Spear, War Sabre), Basic (All Common, Major, Military)
- Chi Abilities
- Iron Body (Cloak of Chi, Strong Defense, Iron Skin)
- Lightfoot (Sprint/Leap, Wall-running)
- Languages: Chinese
- Equipment: Good quality War Sabre, horsebow, heavy armor 7/8 Stone
- Mount: Medium Warhorse
- Retainers:
- Followers:
- Investments:
- Salary: 5 silver tael/month
- Lifestyle: 2500 cash/month
- Other:
- Injured Leg: Move reduced by 30', -1 to AC
- Gruesome scars: impossible to impersonate others, +2 to intimidate, -4 to other reactions