Tony 'Poco' Malloy
First Episode |
Pilot Episode
Theme Song |
Played By |
Paul Giamatti
Full Name |
Anthony Malloy
Legal Status |
Core Citizen
Known Aliases |
Age |
Birthplace |
Favored Weapon |
Physical |
Mental |
Social |
Role |
Career Criminal Friends in Low Places: When you create an Asset based on a seedy contact or underworld connection, step it up.
Hard Habit to Break: When you make a deal 'outside the law' spend a plot point to create a stepped up asset related to the deal. Or, take on a complication related to the criminal activity and get a plot point.
Background |
Intuitive Mechanic Talk to me Baby: When you encounter a mechanical failure for the first time, you may attempt to intuit the root cause with a Mental + Notice Action. Create a Here's Your Problem d8 Asset if you succeed or take a Stumped d8 Complication if you fail.
Personality |
Burned Too Many Times Panic Mode: Step up or double your Physical die for one Action. Spend a plot point to do both. After the roll, create or step up the Complication 'Panicked'.
Looking Out For Number One: Reroll all dice in a roll.
On the reroll, all dice that roll 1s or 2s are considered
Craft D4, Drive D4, Fight D4, Fix D12 (Engines D6), Fly D4, Focus D4, Influence D10 (Bureaucratic D6, Negotiate D6), Know D4, Labor D4, Move D4, Notice D8, Operate D8, Perform D4, Shoot D8, Sneak D6 (Breaking & Entering D6), Survive D10, Throw D4, Treat D4, Trick D8
Signature Assets
Multi-tool |
The Baron |
Blue Sun Cigarettes |
Soothing Menthol: Spend 1 plot point at the beginning of a scene to step back all of your physical or mental-based Complications.
Rechargeable Big Damn Hero Dice
D4 |
D6 |
D8 |
D10 |
D12 |
Spent Episodes
Season 1
01 |
Trigger (Looking out for Number One)
02 |
Signature Asset (The Baron)
03 |
Delilah Ability (Systems)
04 |
Trigger (Talk to Me Baby)
05 |
Trigger (Looking out for Number One)
06 |
Trigger (Talk to Me Baby)
07 |
08 |
Step Up (The Baron)
09 |
Signature Asset (Blue Sun Cigarettes)
10 |
Trigger (Hard Habit to Break)
11 |
Trigger (Hard Habit to Break)
12 |
Step Up (The Baron)
13 |
Step Up (Shoot d8)
14 |
Signature Asset Trigger (Blue Sun Cigarettes: Soothing Menthol)
Season 2
01 |
Influence Specialization (Negotiate)
02 |
Step Up (Shoot d8)
03 |
04 |
Step Up (Shoot d8)
05 |
Influence Specialization (Negotiate)
06 |
Step Up (Operate d8)
07 |
Step Up (Operate d8)
08 |
Step Up (Operate d8)
09 |
Season 3
01 |
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04 |
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08 |
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09 |
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12 |
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13 |
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14 |
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