Vaeradul the Great Horned Hatchling Dragon
Name: “Vee”
Real Name: Vaeradul
Occupation (RCC): Great Horned Dragon Hatchling
Alignment: Scrupulous
Age: 24 days old
Hit Points: N/A (immune to all SDC damage) Mega Damage Points: 350 PPE: 80 Experience Level: 1 Experience Points: 0 of 3,001
IQ: 18 +4% bonus to all skills – one time ME: 20 +3 save versus Psychic Attack/Insanity MA: 13 PS: 20 +5 Hand to Hand Combat Damage PP: 14 PE: 21 +12% save versus coma/death; +3 save versus poison & magic PB: 24 70% charm/impress Spd: 18
Natural/Special Abilities: 1. Claw Attack @ 2d6 MD 2. Bite Attack @ 2d4 MD 3. Teleport @ 30% (advances with level gain) 4. Fire Breath @ 2d6 MD at 60’ 5. Can intuitively use all techno-wizardry equipment 6. Can read magic, use scrolls, and recognize magic circles and enchantments 7. Can sense ley lines, nexus points, and other dragons within 20 miles (32 km) 8. Can fly @ 70 MPH 9. Has nightvision up to a distance of 90 feet 10. Can see the invisible 11. Fire and cold resistant (does half damage) 12. Can bio-regenerate 1d4x10 MD points every five minutes 13. Can Metamorphose at will (lasts 2 hours per experience level unless on a ley line)
Skills: Speak American 98% Speak Dragonese 98% Basic Math 98% Hand to Hand: Basic (+1 attack per round) Read Sensory Equipment 34% Navigation 44% Prowl 29% Streetwise 24% Literacy: American 34% Land Navigation 40%
Hand to Hand: Basic Specifics: Three attacks per melee +2 to pull/roll with a punch, fall, or impact
Psionics – Considered a Major Psion (ISP 80): 1. Psychic Diagnosis 2. Alter Aura 3. Telekinesis 4. Astral Projection 5. Clairvoyance 6. Empathy 7. Telepathy 8. Object Read (Psychometry)