Zeta (Polesia)

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Zeta in humanoid form

Zeta is an Angel in the service of the fate goddess Ashthra and the twin sister of Ishtar the fallen angel. A fledgling Astral Deva, Zeta roams the lower planes (the material plane, specifically), following the orders of the Angelic Hierarchy to further the goals of the realm of Auspice in the name of Ashthra.

An Angel's Ethereal form
Zeta and her twin sister Ishtar

Character Appearance

Draped in a rough hooded cloak made from stitched animal pelts (including, but not limited to, the summer coat of a dire wolf), Zeta is a statuesque and full-figured beauty, reaching just above six feet in height.

Her hair is thick and stark white, braided along her scalp in intricate patterns, but is mostly covered by the hood of her pelt cloak, out from which her deep violet eyes stare sharply. The rest of her clothing appears to be made of simple white and grey linen and knit, and her skin is a deep and flawless olive tone. The only manufactured clothing she is wearing is a well-tooled leather belt, and a pair of shining metal bracers. She is not wearing any shoes, and her calves are bare. At her hip is a heavy mace, and strapped to her back is a quiver of handmade arrows, and an exceptionally thick recurve longbow.

Most unusual, however, is that the lighting of the current environment seems to not apply properly to her. The shadows are light where they should be dark, and in some places, darker where they should be lighter.

Character Ability Profile

As an Astral Deva, Zeta is immensely strong and hardy. However, as angels are not native to the material plane, they tend to operate as very blunt instruments, lacking in combat expertise, and appearing to fight in the fashion of an ogre or a troll.

Angels also maintain an impressively magical existence, not the least of which is their innate resistance to magic. The ethereal membrane which, in the astral plane, forms what passes for an angel's protective skin, in the material plane, becomes an aura of protection against magical and evil forces.

Lastly, Angels are gifted with the power to cure diseases and heal some wounds. In some cases, she can use a portion of her own life force to heal the wounds of mortals if need be, harming herself in the act.

Character Biography

Angels are not what most mortals believe them to be. Angels are creatures much like any creature in existence. They are not gods, nor are they avatars of gods, nor are they the supernal right hand of a god.

They do, however, almost all without exception, operate directly under the banner of a god. This is because the dreamy astral creatures that mortals refer to as Angels are deeply invested in the concept of moral and ethical alignment. Most are lawful. So lawful, in fact, that they crave the structure of more powerful beings.

For this reason, the Angelic Heirarchy exists. All Angels have another, more superior angel to whom they answer. These Angels, in turn, answer to even more powerful Angels. At the top of this are, supposedly, the greatest and highest Angels who determine, by careful examination of the flow of astral powers, what orders to pass down.

Zeta is one of these Angels. She operates under the banner of Ashthra, and has since her existence was formed out of the astral wells alongside her twin sister, Ishtar. When she developed enough to be capable of protecting herself from adverse forces, she was sent to the material plane in order to both learn to control the considerable powers which are her birthright, and to further the cause of Ashthra on the lower plane.

Being a subject of the goddess of fate, Zeta is handed down missions from the hierarchy which are of varying difficulty and significance. Sometimes her mission is to heal a man's illness and disappear. Sometimes her mission is to destroy some crops in order to force a mortal to do something drastic. Sometimes it's to attack an evil force. Sometimes it's just to leave a pair of boots in the wilderness. Fate works in mysterious ways, and so does Zeta.